Chapter Sixteen

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The skin on my hand dripped away like liquid and sank into my bones. I touch my face and feel my mouth disintegrate into just a jaw, my head becoming a skull.
"Holy shit!" I laugh to myself, feeling a power beyond all adrenaline overwhelm my body. I'm a skeleton!

Monty brought the blade down, I dodge, lean forwards and bite his leg, then slide under him. He yanked the scythe suck on the floor, swiping again at me; at one point hitting my arm, but it didn't affect me, because now I can't bleed either.

I run over to God and snatch the cloak from his hand and tie it round my neck, so it settles on my collar bone above my round outer buckle.
He handed me my own scythe... It's heavy, and like Monty's but has gold imbedded within it, and the blade sharper and fuller to the touch.

I smile as much as a skull can smile,
"Thanks." My voice sounds quite a bit deeper in this form, it's extremely strange.
"Magic!" The angel called out.
"MD's possess magic in minimum amounts at a time!"
"Why didn't any of you think to tell me this earlier?!" I shout, the heat of his magic arising to then slam me down face first.

But he shifted too.
Magic does the most damage when shifted, I'm guessing.
I turn on my left forearm and shoot my right out towards Monty, spreading my palm to cause a huge blue fire bolt which shot him into the air.

He landed with a thud so I wrenched back my scythe and let it down on him. Destroying him for a final time.

"Thank God!" I sigh in relief, collapsing to my knees and shifting back... My skin building back into its places.

"I don't do anything though, Markus, that was all you. I don't perform miracles. It's you."
Gobsmacked I just lay there... Letting it all sink in.

I am the Grim Reaper.

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