Chapter Three

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The wind danced through my thick black hair, the smell so moist and refreshing. I'm free to explore the world so large... it's going to take me a long time to find my family if it stays this big.

A vision shot into my mind like a bullet, taking me back to the place I truly knew, home. The streets clean, with the odd car crawling across the roads, children- strange looking things, play catch in the park, joy on their faces and youth in their hearts.

Then there was the street name...
Billenlily road.
The image soon vanished and left me speechless, but I know where it is now.
I let my feet take me away. Uncontrolled, they jog along busy roads and turned corners by themselves and lead me to the front of the house. My home. Finally. Ten whole years without my mum, reunited. I don't see why she didn't make the effort, she must have lost me at ten years old or something.

I felt the prickly door mat beneath my feet and touched the rough wooden door, it's essence clinging on me, pulling at my mind. I knock hard and wait for a reply. It's been so long...
The door clicked and opened to reveal a young woman with medium blonde hair, and piercing blue eyes. They are sharp, unlike my own.

"Do you know if someone called M-Maribel lives here?" I stammered.
"Sorry honey, she was the previous owner of this house. She moved out ten years ago."
"She used to c-call me that... You say ten years but it feel much much longer than that, but that's not possible." I sniffed, feeling water drip from my eyes. "T-they are gone. They where the only ones I knew, I'm alone again!"
"Who was Maribel?"
"My mum."
"What happened?"
"I think they left me. Apparently I hit my head when I fell into a coma ten years ago, which has caused my amnesia. But I don't know."
She grunted with a half smile.
"Would you like to come in?" She asked. I nodded and took my first steps into my house. I glare at everything standing in it's wrong place. Another vision, another memory flashed at me of what it's support to be, the way it was before.
It should still be that way! Everything's changed! She's ruined it.
My mum appeared, stood in front of me glitching like a video game. She glitches so violently I can see a seperate person tearing itself away like old snake skin.
"Don't worry honey, Everything will be OK-K-K-KAY!!" It screamed through it's sharp teeth.

The vision disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. It's wrong. All wrong! Nothing is in it's rightful place, especially my family!
"So what do you think?"
My pupils narrowed at the words, the sentence torturing me, each stitch of her green turtle neck jumper twisted tightly around my neck. Leaving me silent. Something clicked in the back of my head and I ran over to the nearest object (which happened to be a table) and I flipped it in a rage- a burning in my chest.
"WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, WRONG!" I scream grabbing a vase and throwing it onto the kitchen tiles, shattering into a hundred pieces.
"Of course is going to have changed! It's been ten years and your family is gone!" And she pushed me out the door and slammed it behind me.

When the blazing sun is gone, when the nothing comes along...
The blazing sun really has disappeared and the sky seems to be a pink, purple and black coloured. Does that mean the nothingness will get me or is that a lie too?

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