Prompt #12

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Based off the song Broken by Anson Seabra

He stood in the mirror, his eyes blood red matching the colored liquid that spewed from his knuckles. The cracks morphed his featured like a glitchy picture. The shower pattering against the marbled floor blocking out his screams.

His screams as he fought against his demons. His screams as he thought he was truly gone. Maybe he couldn't string himself back together this time. His hands gripping the porcelain sink like it was him grasping onto the last sliver of sanity he had. The pure white color being tainted with the irony liquid that painted his hands.

His tan skin was bruised, and broken. No one knew this side of him. He hide it better than a Lockhart and their niceness. He hid his self torturous ideals well. But he was failing, because he didn't know when this started.

He was a happy child now grasping on the shells of flawed memories. He didn't want to let go of that happiness but every day it seemed to get harder and harder to hide his true self. His lip caught between his teeth as he hit down a strangled scream as the tears melted into the blood dripping from his split open lip.

With one anguished scream his hands ripped the sink off from the wall. His back sliding down the door as his hand banged on his head. "Why. Why?" He cried as he felt his self slip with each second he was alone.

Comparing himself to his siblings, he was the fucked up one. Everyone would admit too it. He was the flawed sibling, the broken one. He didn't deserve anyone's time, he was truly just a big fucked up lost cause.

He hardly felt human, he felt.. lower than that. Like a living nightmare that no one can save him. His aunt called him worse than even her own son. The only King that came out of the Mitchell Family.

"Sammy? Are you okay in there? I just heard a loud noise." He heard his older brother ask. It caused him to close his eyes again and sigh. "Sammy?"

Sammy got up and turned off the shower and clutched the towel around his waist and opened the door. "Tell mom I'm sorry about the damn sink." He muttered as he ran off pushing his sibling out of the way.


The door was slammed down the hallway as Sammy screamed out slamming his fist into the wall. He was slowly losing it... and he was afraid it was too late to seek out help. He felt like no one could save him from himself anymore.

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