Shit post part 2

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Dexter: there is always a light at the end of the tunnel

Reign: its usually an oncoming train

Dexter: can you try and not ruin the vibe for like five seconds


Layla: I am just so obsessed with bear!

Kate: putting his picture in your locker obsessed or sacrificial pagan ritual obsessed.

Layla: ... the former?

Kate: oh okay go on.


Ryan: what does 'take out' mean?

Andy: food!

Luke: dating!

Dove: murder.

Harry: well if you were a praying mantis it could be all three


Darbie: mom what is Caroline to you?

Emily: she's the reason I wake up every morning.

*that morning*

Caroline: *barges into Emily's room with a large boombox playing Gregorian Chant music* WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP YOU BEAUTIFUL BASTARD!


*during a war*
Dottie: fuck we lost Dexter

Leo: what do you mean we lost Dexter?

Dagger: he was here and now he is not. Keep up.


Sammy: we can never let ANYONE know what we did here today.

Brenton: agreed

Sammy; take it to the grave?

Brenton: to the grave

Sammy: this conversation never even happened

Brenton: I don't even know who you are

Sammy:.... that's hurtful you took it to far.

Brenton: that's a weird thing for a stranger to say.


Waiter: how would you like your steak?

Harry: like winning an argument against my wife

Waiter: rare it is.


Colby: stop playing with my feelings you either like me or you don't.

Jacy: what do you want me to do?! *turns sarcastic* what do you want me to play with

Colby: MY DICK

jacy: what

Colby: what?

Ryan: * eating chips while watching tv on the other side of the room* he wants you to play with his dick!

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