Chapter 11 {Who? What? With Who?}

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“Okay. Yeah, just give me 10 minutes, alright?” She smiles into the phone. “Of course, Mel, you’re my best friend. Love you too.” She shakes her head with a smile and ends the call before shoving the phone back into her pocket and walking towards Logan who is just a few feet away due to the lack of distance between the living room and kitchen. “Looks like plan ‘cake for lunch’ is going to have to be put on hold.”

“Is everything okay?” Logan asks in concern. 

Sharla nods with a small smile and begins walking with him to the front door. “Yeah, I think so. Melissa’s just really down about something and rule number one of best friend 101; be there when you’re needed; no matter what, no matter when.” She steps outside and turns back around to smile at him one last time. “Thanks again for helping me with the cake.”

He laughs softly. “Yeah, I’m sure my contribution really made a big difference to the outcome of this ingenious cake.”

She shrugs with a small smirk before speaking in a mysterious tone. “You never know.” She gives a small wink before turning around and walking down the path towards her car.


Jason steps up to Destiny’s front door about four hours after he last spoke to her and tries knocking but find that the door swings open without much effort. He takes a step inside and looks around at the empty house now lit by a few lamps due to the sun beginning to set over the ocean. “Destiny?” He calls as he steps farther into the beach house only to find silence. “Logan?” He tries once again and receives no answer yet again. He looks towards the back exit onto the patio and finds the glass sliding door inched open. He steps outside the door and onto the patio to find Destiny sitting on the shore line, watching as the wave’s crash and the sun sets gracefully into the blue abyss. He makes his way down the stairs and sits down beside her on the white sand. He sits there in silence for just a moment before looking over at her. “I tried.”

She nods and stares out at the rays of the setting sun a moment before turning to him with a small smile. “I know. Thank you.”

He gives one small apologetic smile before turning back to the remarkable view laid out in front of them.


“Mel?” Sharla asks softly as she pushes open Melissa’s bedroom door. Melissa sits up slowly from her bed with tear stained cheeks at Sharla sits down beside her. “Mel…what’s wrong?” Sharla asks in concern as she wraps her arms around Melissa’s shoulders and pulls her in closer.

“It-It’s official…the papers came through today…” She looks up at Sharla in nothing but misery as the mascara continues to stain her perfectly peach complexion. “…the divorce is final.”

“Oh, hunny.” Sharla gives her a look of nothing but pure sympathy before pulling her closer and leaning back again Melissa’s headboard. “I’m so sorry, Mel.”

“There’s more.” Melissa mumbles through sobs. “But if I tell you…you have to promise you won’t say anything.” She pulls away and looks back at Sharla with seriousness. “Promise?" 

“Of course, Mel, you can tell me anything." 

She swallows back the regret rising in her stomach and questions her sanity before spitting out the truth. “I’ve been cheating on Nick.”

Sharla stares back at her with a look of pure shock and silence consumes her as she sits up.

“I know what you’re going to say and I know it’s wrong but you have to understand that my parents divorce has turned everything upside down! My life has turned into one big façade and the only love I’ve ever known or believed in has been in the process of being destroyed for the last twelve months. I’ve been a wreck and I’ve done things I wish I could take back but it’s over now and I just want to make things right.” Melissa continues to go one, unaware Sharla’s shock had yet to fade and everything after ‘I’ve been cheating on Nick’ went through one ear and out the other.

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