Chapter 17 {Kicking You: When You're Down}

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“Guys, have you seen Des?” Ashley asks as she comes down the stairs that Monday morning just in time to see Destiny and Logan off before they head to school.

“She’s not upstairs?” Zac asks in confusion as he stands up from the table with his empty plate and walks over to give Ashley a kiss on the cheek before making his way over to the sink. 

Ashley shakes her head. “No, her bed was empty when I woke up.” Ashley glances to the left and finds a small piece of paper stuck to the glass sliding door. She lifts the note from the door and reads it to Logan and Zac. “Took the bus this morning, there’s eggs and bacon on the stove. –Des.” Ashley lowers the note with a look of concern and looks back at the boys. “There’s something going on with her, she wouldn’t even talk to me last night.”

Zac focuses his attention on Logan who has had his eyes glued to his plate the entire time as music blasts through his headphones. Zac reaches forward and pulls the hearing device from his ear causing Logan’s head to shoot up. “What?”

“Do you know what’s going on with Destiny?” He asks calmly before taking a sip of orange juice.

“I don’t, but you do.”

Zac’s eyebrows come together in confusion as he lowers the glass of juice from his lips while starring straight at Logan. “What do you mean?”

“Something happened with Jason Saturday morning at the hospital and she’s been acting strange ever since.” He comments flatly before putting his ear phones back in and starring back down at his plate.

Zac shakes his head with clenched teeth and slams his glass down on the table. “I knew that idiot was going to complicate things. Just wait till I get my hands on him.” He threatens before walking towards the door. “Are you coming, Logan? You’re going to be late for school.” He comments over his shoulder while grabbing his keys and wallet from the table by the door.

Ashley pulls the headphone from his ear when she realizes he didn’t hear a word Zac had said. “You’re going to be late for school.” She repeats while he just shoves the ear piece back in.

“I’m not going.”

“Logan, you’re going to school, come on.” Zac calmly orders from the threshold while Logan stands up from his seat and makes his way towards the stairs.

“No, I’m not.” He responds firmly while making his way up the stairs.

“Logan!” Zac shouts after him. “Is this one of those Freaky Friday moments or something because you’re acting a hell of a lot like me!?” He shouts after him and lets out a sigh of frustration.

Ashley walks over to him with her arms crossed over her chest and gives a small shrug. “Maybe he just needs the day; I’ll go talk to him.” She gives a small smile before turning to make her way up the stairs.

“Alright, I’ll be back soon.” He says before opening the front door.

She turns back around to stare at him in confusion. “Where are you going?”

“To kick Jay’s ass.” He answers evenly while Ashley snickers in response.

“Do it once more for me?” She asks jokingly as she makes her way up the remainder of stairs.

“With pleasure.” He answers with wide and brightly lit eyes before exiting the house.

Ashley taps on Logan’s bedroom door but barely waits for a response before barging in and making her way over to his bed where he was lying with his eyes closed and face to the ceiling as that music continued blasting in his ears. She lies down beside him on the bed and he willingly moves over to give her room. She lies there for a moment in silence, knowing that if she remained silent long enough Logan would communicate what was bothering him. It took nearly twenty minutes but eventually Logan paused the music and pulled out his headphones. “Did you like Sharla?” He asks while continuing to stare up at the plain white ceiling.

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