Chapter 2 {The Boardwalk}

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"Destiny, honey? Why don't you go explore Playa Linda a bit before school starts back tomorrow? Maybe you can make a few friends from the high school." Aunt Ava says with a small smile while rushing around the house, searching for her expensive cell phone while wearing her designer shoes and silk pants suit.

Destiny looks up from the plate of sandwiches she is making for Logan and Zac and shakes her head. "I'll probably just stick around the house today. The boys have a lot of laundry that needs to be done before school tomorrow and dishes are piling up."

Aunt Ava stops rushing and looks up at her with a loud sigh. "Des, I told you I will take care of the housework this weekend, you really should go and try to make some friends."

Destiny slowly looks up at her with a small smile. "Okay." She wasn't planning on going anywhere, but the last thing she needed was Aunt Ava worrying about her and missing work because of it.

"Great! I will see you tonight around seven!" She smiles one last time before turning and rushing to the front door. "Oh and Des?" She stops at the door and turns back to Destiny with that same excited smile. "I love you."

Destiny chuckles softly and tilts her head to the side. "I love you too, Aunt Ava."

Ava blows her a small kiss before opening up the front door and quickly making her way outside.

"You shouldn't lie to Aunt Ava, Des," Zac says sarcastically as he groggily makes his way down the stairs and into the kitchen where Demi is standing.

Destiny rolls her eyes at Zac's humor and shakes her head in disappointment at his obvious hangover. "I made you a sandwich."

"Not hungry," Zac says bluntly before walking over to the fridge and pulling out an ice cold beer. He pops off the cap and puts it to his lips just as Destiny yanks it from his grasp.

"Stop being an idiot, Zachary!"

Zac glares at Destiny and yanks the beer from her once again. "Stop being such a bitch, Destiny! I'm fucking nineteen years old, I can make my own decisions and I sure as hell ain't going to let an ignorant sixteen-year-old lecture me about the facts of life!" He takes a long swig of the beer while glaring down at her over the bottle before lowering the beer and walking towards the front door, slamming it as he exits the beach house.

Destiny stuff back the tears rising in her eyes when she notices Logan standing by the door. He slowly walks towards the kitchen and sits down at the counter, facing her.

"Hungry?" She asks softly, feeling extremely small and worthless after Zac's weekly fit of anger.

Logan simply nods and politely takes the sandwich from her. He begins eating and although he wasn't in the least bit hungry, he knew it would put a smile on his sister's face and he would have done anything to see that.


"Look, I'm the same as you when it comes to socializing, alright? I'd like nothing more than to hide out at the beach house for the rest of my teenage existence but Aunt Ava is right, we should try and make friends before school starts back tomorrow." Destiny sighs and faces out the windshield after explaining herself to her brother, Logan, who was only younger than her by one year. "Even if these people consist solely of beach blondes, surfer dudes and tie dye shirts." She says softly before flipping on the radio and driving the rest of the way to the local boardwalk. With every day that passed it was coming painfully obvious that they were no longer in Kansas.


Destiny and Logan had been walking around the plaza for nearly an hour just observing the people of California and trying to decipher if there was even a chance this place could become like home. Destiny notices a skater shop and guys with hoodies standing at the door and immediately nudges Logan in the shoulder with a smile. "Logan, why don't you go check out that store over there? It looks like something you would like. How about you go check it out and I'll go check out that bookstore over there, okay?" Destiny smiles and nods encouragingly before walking off towards the bookstore with a small smile. She walks a few steps and begins to hear the same footsteps following after her. She stops and turns back to Logan with a sigh and shakes her head. "Alright, I guess we can both go to the bookstore. Come on." She smiles and locks her arm with Logan's as they both walk off towards the bookstore.

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