Part 4

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AUTHORS NOTE: just a little warning, there are some homophobic slurs in this chapter, so sorry if I offend anyone in anyway, I don't mean to, it's just there for the plot.
"WHAT! I did?! FINALLY! That's so cool, what is it? Wait it probably has something to with fire, considering all the ash. It could be a combination of my parents' quirks, that's so cool" izuku quickly said, quickly falling into his mumbling habit.

3rd POV
Izuku, answered all the pros' questions, with bakugou helping out with somethings, got his quirk registered before he remembered he had to go over to his mum's house for something.

"Kacchan, I have to go over to my mum's house, do you want to come with me?" Izuku asked

"I don't want to intrude" bakugou quickly responded

"Don't worry about that, I'm sure it's fine and I have a feeling I should take someone with me, just in case something gets out of hand" Izuku reasoned.

"Um, ok then, I'll go with you" bakugou responded to Izuku, who just gave him a bright smile.

"Alrighty then let's gooo" izuku said rushing out of the dorms, bakugou following closely behind. They ran the whole way there, laughing and having fun, deku occasionally tripping over.

As they got there they stopped laughing and looked at the house with a curious glance. Surrounding the house was a cold atmosphere, instead of the normally warm and welcoming one. They took a look at each other before knocking on the door.

The door opened quickly and harshly, revealing Inko, who had a strained smile, that you could tell was fake. Something was definitely wrong.

"Ah, hello Izuku, just in time, I see you bought a friend. How are you Katsuki?"

"Hi Mum"

"Hello Auntie, I'm good." They both responded, a bit nervous. Inko was usually a calm woman with a warm and welcoming personality, so they were a bit curious as to why she was acting like this.

"Come on in" she said, stepping aside, so that they could enter.

"I'm sorry mum, but I can't remember why you called me to come over, I got angry and forgot what happened. But on the positive side, I finally got my quirk." Izuku explained.

"Oh that's ok dear," Inko said, surprised, her mood quickly changing, "I'm glad you finally got your quirk, what is it, and how did you get it?"

" it's pyrokinesis!," Izuku chirped, holding out his hand and showing as a flame danced, hovering just above his hand, "funny story as to how I got it though. Hehe, I got so angry that I guess I forced my quirk to show up"

"That is quite a funny way to-" Inko started before being interpreted by a cold voice.

"Well hello there, Izuku, Katsuki, it's pleasant to see you two again" a man interpreted, walking towards them. Katsuki, wasn't exactly sure who this man was, but he could guess it was deku's shit excuse of a dad.

"Hello father," izuku spat glaring at his father, his sassy side slowly coming out, as well as becoming slightly angry, "horrid to see you too."

At this point Inko and Izuku were glaring harshly at him, whilst bakugou stood back, giving him a dirty look of disgust.

'How could he just leave his wife and son for like 10 years without any explanation as to where he was going, stupid fucking idiot' bakugou thought angrily.

"I heard you got into UA and got a quirk, is that correct? Izuku" he said in a cold voice as an intense staring competition had started.

"Yes father, I did get into UA, along with Katsuki, but the last one's not exactly true" deku said in an equally cold voice, that could send shivers down people's spine. His father raised an eyebrow at that;

"Oh really, so you're still a quirkless shit? Ha what an embarrassment that must be for all the others. Katsuki, I can't believe you're still friends with him, you should've ditched him when you had the chance". Ok now katsuki was angry and pissed at what Mr Midoriya had just said, but before he could say anything, deku started talking.

"Oh no father I do have a quirk, in fact I have two, super strength and pyrokinesis" deku said, powering up his quirks as his glare intensified, "also how dare you talk that way about katsuki, he is my boyfriend"

"Oh god, your a fag as well, your such a disappointment, I thought you would be better katsuki, turns out your just as bad" Mr midoriya said disgusted

"Now boys, don't let my ex husband's horrid words get to your head, he's delusional," Inko said with a dangerous glint in her eyes, "let's show him how strong you boys are, beat him up." They shared glances before Bakugou and Izuku fired their quirks at him.

As Inko was leaving the room to go make some tea, she called out,

"Just don't kill him or make too much of a mess, that would be annoying and hard to explain"

775 words

The anger manifestation of deku's quirkWhere stories live. Discover now