Weigh Bough and Leaf

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And so, in sublime stillness, I learn to curb my longing for you,

to plough it into blossom, edge of cloud, shimmering violet moon,

whose surface haunts, whose ardent echoes summon love's past.

Instead, I turn inward and walk a vast plain, an arid, empty land,

where seeds lie dormant, awaiting another Spring, another rainfall

to moisten silent Earth. I awaken to your breath, close and warm.

You took your sweet time throwing shadows across my dreams,

yet, tonight, I sense you mean no harm. You whisper something.

Words filter down, reach for me, on this island of suspended light.

I turn away and walk a vast night. Time stretches, luminous.

Others join me. We winnow the dawning mists. Ever so gently,

dewdrops collect, weigh bough and leaf, dip toward morning. 

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