Safe Keeping

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What will be left 

after the wave sweeps through?

Despite a valiant attempt to prepare,

imminent danger swirling dark clouds in the air,

you're caught off guard, able to preserve 

only a precious few.

Velvet-lined drawers 

pulled shut against the end

in this ad hoc museum. 

Inevitability, loss, 

remnants of glory, 

motes in sparkling rivulets: 

these crudest artifacts

endure, as Life sinks back 

into prehistoric murk.

You did what you could, 

cataloguing specimens,

anticipating a resurgence, 

when men and women

would once again work 

to reconstitute joy.


cradling treasure, 

you hold your own

as the tsunami hits 

with dispassionate brutality

again and again. 

Powerlessness personified,

trembling and quaking, 

you burrow deep, 

seeking silence in softest layers. 

Sleep,  falling away in shreds, 

exposes the refugee. 

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