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"Ofcourse.....why would I forgot my first love and.... my first heartbreak"

"Ha... I thought..."

"My memories with you just came back a year ago when I saw our first picture under my bed. It gives me a massive headache to be honest." Yeji said before looking away at the shorter girl.

Ryujin felt the guilt rushed to her system. "I'm sorry" she mumbled

"For what? If you are sorry about the accident don't be. It's not your fault" Yeji said softly looking at Ryujin again.

"That day.... when I saw you at the restaurant I'm really shocked but I need to compose myself cause Lia still don't know that my memories came back already. I want to hug you that time.... but then I remembered about Yuna. I don't want to hurt her Ryujin, I let myself fool me when I still can't remember anything. I thought I love her but when my memories came back ...I realized I just loved her as a sister. But what can I do? She's too fragile and I don't want to hurt her just because my feelings fool me. She's the only one who knows that most of my memories came back. I promise to her that I'll do anything to work this relationship we have." She said while tearing up.

"If you didn't love her romantically then why did you asked her to marry you?" Ryujin said as her voice cracked indicating that she's about to cry.

"I already planned on proposing her months ago, I thought you really left me for good. That leads me to think that maybe we are just destined to meet each other and Yuna is really the one for me."

"But I'm here now, I came back for you."

"Then why did you choose to broke up and left me without explanation? Why did you leave? I deserve an explanation Ryujin"

Ryujin's POV
      She asked for it and I'm going to tell her. I hope you change your mind Yeddeong. 

Flashback (5 years ago)

  I'm still laying in my bed since Yeji and I don't have a date today. I have nothing to do also oh yeah I have, I need to talk to my grandparents. I will tell them about my relationship to Yeji. Why not do it now?

I get my phone from the nightstand and call them through face time.

"Hello granny! Grandpa!" I greeted with a wide smile. It's been a while, they're staying in the U.S they are managing our company there.

"Our baby girl, how are you?" My grandma asked

"I'm good... what about you guys?"

"We're good hija, we want to tell you something!." My grandma said excitedly

"What is it?"

"You're going to get married, we find a boy that will surely match with you. I'm sure you're going to like him" she said that made me frowned

"Granny and Grandpa, I have a girlfriend" I said with nervousness in my voice.

They didn't say anything, they are just looking at me with mouth agape.

"We will never accept that girl!" My grandma angrily said

"Gran Yeji is a good person. If it wasn't for her maybe you will never saw me smiling again. It sounds cheesy but she put colors on my black and white life. She make me happy so please allow me to be with her" I pleaded

"If you want us to accept that girl then go back here and make your parents company be on top. Break up with her for awhile, if you did what we want to you to do then we will accept her to the family and even marry you to her. That's a deal Shin Ryujin. If you don't do it then we have nothing to talk anymore." She said before leaving me with grandpa.

Grandpa fixed her glass and sighed "Whatever your decision I'm still going to support you always remember that" he said smiling to me.

I don't want to disappoint granny, I love her but I also love Yeji. But if I do it then granny will love Yeji......

I'm sorry Yeji, it's for your own best. I hope you forgive me.

"Grandpa, I'm going there. Tell John to fix my papers and buy me plane ticket to New York. I'll do it."

After I end the face time, I call Yeji immediately to meet me at the park. Now I'm waiting for her. My eyes are looking on the ground when I saw a familiar pair of shoes. I looked up and saw smiling Yeji.

"You miss me baby?" She said then chuckled taking the sit beside me.

"Yeji, I want to tell you something."

"You call me by my name... what's wrong?" She worriedly asked as she tried to hold my hand but I pushed it.

"Let's break up." I firmly said

I didn't look at her I'm afraid that I might take my words back and change my decision. She's crying, her sobs makes my heart shattered into pieces. I started to walk away but she held my wrist that made me stop.

"What did I do? Tell me I'm going to change, I will change for you. Just give me chance Ryujin. Don't leave me like this!" She pleaded

I'm sorry Yeji...

"I don't love you anymore" I said coldly before I removed her hands in my wrist and continue to walk away without looking back.

I will get back to you after I fight for us.

End of Flashback

"You made it. Your company has been on top for the past 3 years" she said smiling sadly

"Yes, it means I won. They finally accepted you Yeji, my grandparents wants to meet you" I said looking at her eyes.

"Too late now Ryujin, I'll get married soon." She said

My tears started to fall "Now I really regret leaving you. I'm such a loser" I said as I wipe my tears. It feels like all of my sacrifices meant nothing.

"I know your plan Ryujin, you're trying to win me back" she paused for a moment "1 month..... you have me for 1 month. This is the last thing that I will do for you, after this we need to continue our life without each other."

Take this opportunity Ryujin, you have one month to change her mind. I am Shin Ryujin no one could ever resist my charm. This time I'm the one who's going to chase you. I'm going to make you mine again.

"Okay, deal" I said

I stand and started to walk towards my room when her words stop me.

"After what you did... be thankful my heart is dumb. Even though my mind want to forget you, the feelings, the love i felt for you.... my heart just can't" 

I smiled, she can't see me tho my back is facing her. I have a chance, a big chance...

cause my Yeddeong is still inlove with me!

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