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5 years later

Yuna's POV
      Life is indeed full of surprises, everything went so fast. I'm managing our own company now so as Lia unnie and Yeji unnie. Chaeryeong and I broke up five years ago, she cheated on me with that girl Nako. I still remember it vividly.

5 years ago....

Chaeryeong told me that she will be attending her friend's birthday party. She even invited me but I rejected it, I'm giving her time for her friends and if I come with her all of her focus is on me.

"Are you sure you won't come with me?" Chaeryeong asked me for many times already. We are standing infront of our house gate, she drove me home after we go shopping at mall. Since school is over we have a plenty time for each other.

"For the last time Yes, I don't want to disturb your time with them so enjoy it  okay? Don't drink too much"

"I will drink responsibly promise, if you need me just call me. I'll be running back to you"

"Okay, go now" I said giving her a kiss on the lips before pushing her.

"Drive safely!" I shouted as she got in inside her car.

"I will babe, I love you" She said sweetly giving me a heart sign fingers. Cute

"I love you too!"

And with that she left.

Morning has came and I still haven't received any messages from Chaeryeong. It was very unusual since she's always sending me morning text. Maybe she's too wasted? I don't know but I need to know what she's doing because it's making me nervous. I went to her condo unit, I pressed the passcode and the door opened. I stepped inside and scanned the area, it's clean as usual. I checked the kitchen if she's there but she isn't. Maybe she's still sleeping.

So I proceeded to her room, while walking towards the door I feel my heart beating fast I don't know why but it's making me so damn nervous. I grabbed the doorknob and twisted it carefully not to make sound and opened the door fully.

My heart broke on what I just saw. Tears started to fall endlessly as I collapse on the ground, crying with no sound. How can she do this to me?

I saw Chaeryeong naked and sleeping with another girl who is also naked. I stared at them with anger and hurt, I stand on my feet and closed the door loudly that make them both awaken. Chaeryeong opened widely her eyes as she saw me, she immediately grabbed the sheets to cover her and went to me.

"I can explain Yuna, it's not what it looks like" she said while holding my hands.

I wiped my tears and glared at her "You said you loved me but I guess it meant nothing. Let's break up I don't want to see your face anymore. Don't you ever chase me cause I will no longer accept you in my life again. Cheater" I coldly said before I run leaving her condo unit. I can hear her shouting my name but I didn't bother to look back. It's over.

End of flashback

After that day, I never saw her again. I told it to my Dad and she really wants to kill her but I stopped him though she hurt me so bad I still care for her. I never let the breakup affect me, I moved on easily and focus on my studies. I wonder where is she right now, is she okay? I hope she's doing fine.

My thoughts were interrupted when I felt a hand wrapped around my waist and a chin on my shoulder.

"What are you thinking love?" She asked groggily, she just woke up.

I turned around to face her and gave her a kiss on the cheeks.

"Nothing" I said as I put my arms around her neck.

"Cheeks? My lips is hurt can you kiss them?" she asked with her lips pouting, she's so cute.

I leaned to her and closed my eyes, soon my lips touch hers. We shared a passionate kiss, we stopped when we ran out of air.

"That's my morning kiss" she cheekily said

"I'm hungry love, cook for me please?"

"Okay! It's been a while since I cooked for my beautiful girlfriend" she said giving me a wide smile before she lifted me in  bridal style, we went down to kitchen and she make me sit in one of the stool.

"Just watch there love" She said before starting to cook. Here I am watching her as she do her business in the kitchen. I still can't believe that she's my girlfriend now, it's been two years since we became lovers. We bought this house since she wants us to live together. Her parents and I are visiting us when they are free.

"Love, is Lia texted you where we will meet her?"

"Mall, starbucks"

"Oh okay!"

Today is Sunday and it means no work, since we are all busy on running our own company for the fast few weeks we decided to chill for today. Lia is the busiest among us, she's really busy that she doesn't have time for relationship. For her it's just a waste of time.

"It's finished, let's eat love" she cheerfully said as she placed the last utensil and excitedly seat beside me.

Sometimes I really wonder if this true. Cause it is so good to be true.

After we ate our breakfast, we did our morning routine and get ready for our meeting with Lia unnie

She opened the car door for me and carefully closed it as I hopped in before she went to driver seat. She started the car and left the house. I do have my own car too but she prefer to take me to the my company before she go to hers and pick me up in the evening. Sometimes I used my car when she have business trips abroad.

While on our trip to mall, she's playing a music on her radio and jamming and singing along with it. Soon I joined her too, we were singing along with the song.  I kept on glancing on her, she's beautiful in and out, I'm so happy that she became mine. I really wanted to make her mine legally but it's too early and we are still young. I want her to enjoy her life and fulfill her dreams.

I hope she's the one for me.


Hey gays! Who do you think is Yuna's new girlfriend?

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