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Louis: He's telling you each constellation he recognizes and tells you about it. You don't know what he's talking about but you let him be Louis. Your holding hands btw.

Francis: Says he hates it but you could tell he doesn't. You two would point at the brightest star and say that it was the other. Eventually though you said the sun was Francis and he told you that the sun was a planet and that "sunlings" live there. Sigh, Francis. You are against his chest.

Zoey: You two would joke how all the stars would look the same. That doesn't stop you two from counting them. You always lose count, which means you have to start over. The time was fun to say the least. Zoey has her head against your shoulder.

Ellis: He would tell you a story about a time him and his buddy Keith would always look at the stars with his mom when he was younger. And tell you all the goofy things they did. You are sitting between his lap and leaned against his chest.

Nick: Nick would complain how cold it is, but you tell him stop being a bitch and just enjoy the time together. He tells you a little story from his time in Vegas and how he could see stars clearly from the rooftops. You told him you saw stars clearly from your treehouse, which got him interested and now you two are discussing good memories from the others childhood. He's laied across your lap.

Rochelle: At first it was quiet, but then you point to the sky and say "Rochelle, those clusterfuck of stars kinda look like you. I'm naming it "The Baddest Woman Alive!" She laughs at your antics and started to point out a group of stars and said it look like you. "Well, those stars look like you! I'm naming it "The Baddest Man Alive!" You two are cuddling at this point.

Left 4 Dead/Left 4 Dead 2 x Reader Oneshots/Scenarios/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now