What do they like the most about you?

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Louis: Your ability to joke even when their situation is fraught. He likes it when you try to make everyone laugh or smile so they can forget about how bad everything is.

Francis: Your confidence. You are just about as confident as he is. Sometimes you get a little too confident and something bad happens, but most of the time you are the risk taker. Many times, they had to do something no one wanted to do, but you were the one to always do it. He also thinks it's cool that you aren't moved by what people say.

Zoey: You're kindness. No matter how upset everyone is with you, you never once return that hostility. Even when Nick called you a name back at the bridge, you just laughed it off and continued to tell everyone how to lower it. Not once have you left someone behind or said something rude to someone no matter how mad you got.

Ellis: Your smile and laughter. Ellis would tell one of his funniest and best stories just to see one or the other. It's not like you tell him you don't want to hear them he just have to find a moment where the both of you are alone. When he sees you smile or laugh at something he and Keith did before the apocalypse, his heart just soar.

Nick: Your sassy and sarcastic comebacks. Not often you would lose your temper with Nick, but when you do you often have something witty and sarcastic to say. Even when it's not directed to him, Nick would just DIE without hearing them.

Rochelle: Your sympathetic and understanding nature. Okay, so you could be a jerk half the time. But when it comes to touchy and sore subject, you are very sympathetic and understanding. Like Rochelle, you gave the original survivors a choice if they wanted to lower the bridge. Or when Ellis wanted to talk to his significant other but was to nervous, you just spoke wise words. Ro adore this a lot.

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