Chapter 5

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So um... yeah I know, I'm really bad at this updating stuff, but, I do have an excuse!!! I'm taking english literature, and further maths this year. Ikrr the thing is, I despise maths so like... yeah. But english lit is amazing, Lady Macbeth is a proper legend. Ok, I'll stop rambling. I love you all.

I do not in anyway claim to be the creator/owner of the Harry Potter franchise, if I was I wouldn't need to cry over Further Maths. thank you.

Astoria knew she'd have to go without a fuss. So when six-thirty pm came around, she gritted her teeth and stepped into her long satin dress and heels. As she looked at herself in the mirror, she no longer saw a silly little girl, she saw a wise young woman. 'Alright Astoria, come here.' It was her mother, and her dreaded wand. 'Hurry up, I don't have time for this.' Reluctantly, Astoria walked over to her mother, careful not to trip over the air.  

Her mother yanked at a strand of her hair and twirled it roughly with her wand. Astoria knew better than to complain, her mother would have made a great reality TV star, she certainly had character. Astorias freckles were almost unnoticeable through the think layer of fountain and concealer. she had some light eyeliner and dark shadow, her thin, pale face seemed to glow in the bright lights of the bathroom. 

'Alright where's your sister? the thing starts in five minutes,' Astoria didn't speak, she knew her mother well, and knew her attitude towards her daughter. She must have been speaking to herself, she was talking far too pleasantly.  

'Daphne. Daphne, stop looking at yourself. Hyperion tell the elf to get the floo power.' The womans sharp voice echos through the halls. 'Yes ma'am' Their father muttered, which caused Daphne to giggle. 'Alright, we're ready?' their mother shook her head. 'Every year we end up rushing, every year.' Astoria had long since perefcted the skill of zoning out her mothers compulsive complaining, a trait she was sure Daphne had inherented completely. 'Ladies first' Hyperion said brightly, sending Astoria a meaningful sideways glance. 

When her sister and mother were long gone Astoria turned to her father, looking expectantly. He sighed. 'Look Astoria, I need you to do me a favour. Befriend the Malfoy boy.' Before she could open her mouth her father continued. 'I know you two aren't on the best of terms but-' 'so thats why you've changed your attitude, you want something from me.' Astoria said, hurt. She was shocked, how could her father expect her to fall for something like that? 'no Astoria' as she made a move towards the fire, her father grabbed her arm, 'please Astoria let me finish' he sounded desperate . Astoria listened more out of curiousity than care.

'Can't you see what I'm trying to do? The Malfoys are hiding something. Something awful. I need you to gain Dracos trust, I need you to get him to open up to you. The Dark Lord won't be at the party, but his followers will.' 'What do you think this awful thing is?' 'I don't know... I have a hunch, but I can't be sure. You'll need to learn occlumency, we can't have anyone poking around in your head. I'm sure you know plenty about it?' Her father gave a half smile, but it didn't reach his worried eyes. Astoria was too stunned to answer. She definitely hadn't forgiven her father, but the prospect of mystery and challenge was to appelling to her young heart, so she decided to go with it for now.

standing outside the Malfoys mansion, Astorias heart sank. How could she possibly start a conversation with Malfoy? She couldn't just walk up to him with a cheery hello and a polite curtsy, he'd definately think she'd hit her head. 'Play it casual, just be nice', She quietly whispered to herself.

'Mr and Mrs Greengrass! what a pleasure. Do come in.' their was a thick layer of sarcasm lacing lucius' voice. Mr Greengrass smiled politely and shook lucius' hand. 'And miss Astoria,' he went on, 'I did happen to hear alot of your name popping up around the house at these... difficult times.' She smiled nervously, but didn't reply. Her mother shifted uncomfortably. lucius smiled thinly. 'well I do hope you enjoy the ball. Oh, Mr Rosier, Do come in.' The family took this as their signal to go, and joined the queue of people in the entrance hall.

stepping into the main ball room, Astroria looked around in awe. they had really outdone themselves this time. glittering chandeleirs swung frm the ceiling, reflecting the light all around the room. long tables crammed with food took up the entire south end, and the dance floor took up the north side. slow, classical music was playing from the stage, Astoria then turned around and witnessed a sight that ruined the entire asthetic. Pansys' big mouth was all over Dracos face and neck. Draco wasn't bothering much with her, he was looking around the room, an anxious expression on his thin features. Astoria stared at them, feeling slightly sick. suddenly, they made eye contact. She looked away quickly, her pale face and neck flushing in embarressment.

Astoria decided she'd better start socialising... 'How do you socialise?' She thought to herself, as she slowing waded her way through the crowd. She ended up not having to worry about starting a conversation, Pansy and her sidekicks decided they'd love nothing more than to talk to the one and only Astoria Greengrass. 'Oh Astoria,' she giggled in her annoyingly shrill voice, 'fancy seeing you here, didn't the library call to you?'

'No actually, I must be too far from it, the attracting waves must have not reached me as of yet. didn't Dracos bed attract you this evening?' she asked innocently.

'I'll leave that to after the party Astoria, if you'd had any experience you'd have known the extraordinary effect of a little alchohol.' Pansy replied smoothly, going slightly red.

'Is this any conversation for a respectable lady such as yourself to be having? wouldn't your father be ever so disappointed, if he happened to over hear such private information?' Astoria said, getting slightly irritated.

Pansy went a bright shade or crimson and sneered at Astoria, before her friend abruptly changed the conversation. 'I do admire your shoes, where did you find them? your grandmas attic?' The group of girls laughed loudly at the lame attempt at a joke, and Astoria joined in, smiling now. 'I do admire your boldly applied makeup, it really expresses alot about your natural beauty.' Astoria smiled, stunningly.

The girls face went the same shade of crimson as pansys' 'How dare you talk to me like that! do you even know who I am?', the girl exclaimed loudly. 'I do' Astoria drawled, staring the girl down with her deep eyes. 'Your the schools most well known slut, who doesn't know you?' The girl gave a scream of frustration before storming off to the lavatories. 'this isn't over you disrespectful little b*tch!' Pansy hissed, before stroming off in the direction of her friend. 'So immature' Astoria muttered, shaking her head. 

As the night progressed on, Astoria started considering her fathers words. How would she befriend Malfoy? She stopped herself in her tracks, gasping in horror, remembering what he had said about people potentially getting into her head. Not that anyone would want into her head, she was rarely noticed.

She searched around the room, hoping that maybe if she caught sight of Draco, her mind would come up with some masterplan by itself... hardly, life was never that easy, even with such an outstanding level of intellect. She could always just let it happen and try to be pleasent, but Astoria liked to, for lack of better term, look before she leaps, she liked to plan ahead, map out the conversation in her head before putting it into action.

Time was running out, tonight would be best of all, he couldn't possibly be rude, for the fear of being overheard, his usual kind of cheek wouldn't be acceptable as a host. Quickly scanning the room again, she spotted a head of impossibly bleach blonde hair, making its way to the outside balcony.

its now or never, she thought grimly to herself as she pushed her way through the large crowd. Stepping onto the large balcony, Draco Malfoy sighed loudly. 'To what do I owe the pleasure, Greengrass?'

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