Chapter 2

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So chapter two is up. I don't really have much to say other than, I don't like this chapter. it's not well written and awk;) but anyways enjoy.

disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter:)

Three weeks had past and Astoria heard little to nothing of Draco or his gang. Not that she minded, for they had become completely unbearable lately. As the Death Eaters and the ministry got stronger, Malfoy and his cronies got cockier. They strutted around the castle like they owned the place, and had been given permission to use the Cruciatus Curse on any younger students putting a toe out of line.

Astoria and one of her roommates, Alexia, were walking to their charms class when Daphne, Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini and Draco sauntered around the corner, perfectly at ease. Out of the corner of her eye, Astoria saw Draco swiftly look up and down the mostly empty corridor and shoot Blaise an evil look to which he gave a small nod in agreement.

Draco creeped up on the small first-year Ravenclaw boy, who was running his hand along the rough stone wall, and yelled in his ear, 'WHY WERE YOU TOUCHING THAT WALL, ANDREWS? YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO TOUCH THAT WALL!' before the boy could get a word in Draco shouted 'CRUCIO!' The boy writhed in pain as Daphne, Theodore, Blaise and Draco laughed hysterically.

Astoria watched Draco, pure hatred burning in her deep green eyes. She then dumped her bag at Alexias feet and marched right up in Draco's laughing face. 'What the hell are you doing?' she asked, a slightly mad look in her eye. 'What does it look like Greengrass?' he said, irritably. 'get out of my face, I need to concentrate' Daphnes face was a deep red, which only triggered another round of laughter. 'go away Astoria.' Daphne ordered harshly through her embarrassment. 'yeah, Greengrass go kiss a book, not Draco.' Blaise added.

At this Draco stopped hurting the boy, bringing his attention to the girl, who was now trying to kill him with her eyes. Although she was a foot smaller than him, she was fierce, and meant business. Both slightly pink from Blaises comment, Draco shoved her away, pointing his wand at the boy again. Astoria stepped in front of him, still glaring. 'you know you had no right to do that! That wall's the same as every other damn wall in this school!'

'I mean it Greengrass, piss off or I'll curse you too!' Daphne stepped in then, 'no Draco don't hurt her. Tori, stop getting involved in things you don't understand!' Astoria glared daggers at her sister, 'oh, your right dear sister I don't understand, would you care to enlighten me?' Astoria then looked at Draco and said, 'it doesn't take a genius to see your unhappy. you're not enjoying yourself but your doing it anyway, that's the act of a coward.'

There was no trace of a smile on Draco's face anymore. 'how dare you talk to me like that you little-' 'at least I'm not a coward' she interrupted him smoothly. With that she helped the shaking Ravenclaw of the ground and supported him, turning in the direction of the hospital wing, looking pointedly at Alexia she said, 'well? are you going to help?,' Alexia shifted uncomfortably and glancing at the group of seventh years gaping at Astoria said, 'well I don't really think you need me, and we shouldn't be late for charms...' by the time she finished Astoria was halfway down the corrider. 'wow Daphne, your sister has guts,' Blaise said in awe.

Word spread fast about the incident and before long people from other houses smiled and waved at Astoria, but the other Slytherins gave Astoria hell. Even her roommates mocked and bullied her, this wouldn't have been all that bad, really, but Astoria had earned herself two very angry letters from her father. That's what really scared her.

'hey its Greengrass. Make way for Ravenclaws saviour!' The Slytherins in the hallway burst out laughing and Astoria went bright red and promptly made her way to the girls bathroom. She locked herself in a cubicle as a small sob escaped her lips. It was getting out of control. Astoria never liked attention, she was used to going un-noticed and now everyone knew her, everyone talked about her.

She was a disappointment to her family, her father was livid, she had drawn attention to herself, something that is not advisable in present times and she'd given the Greengrass name a bad reputation.

Her mind was going at a mile a minute, her breathing became heavy and ragged and she started to shake. Astoria immediately realised what was happening, and she knew she wouldn't be able to hold this one in. 'no, no, no, no' she breathed. 'not here, not now.' she was sweating now and her muscles spasmed. She quickly opened the door and feel to the ground. She was crying openly now. Although she knew no one ever came into these bathrooms, there was still that fear, there was always the chance. Astoria didn't think she'd be able to live with the shame.

She felt it, it was going to happen any second now. She closed her eyes and held her breath, with one last cry. The shape that was a small shaking girl, was now a large shaking wolf. It slowly raised onto its feet, Its orangish-brown fur on end, looking for danger.

Suddenly, there was a high-pitched, girlish giggle, and the wolf accidentally let out a loud bark and growl. 'Well, I always knew there was something odd about that Greengrass girl.' the voice said. The wolf was spinning in circles, trying to find the source of the sound. The body emerged from behind a toilet, giggling. The wolf lunged at her and she let out a high-pitched squeal, still laughing.

'I should have guessed,' myrtle said, her eyes shining, 'Oh wait until I tell everyone, this is wonderful.' The wolf froze and looked at myrtle with pleading eyes. 'good doggie' myrtle giggled. With a swoosh and splash, she dove full speed into a toilet.

Astoria groggily opened her eyes, someone was pointing a wand at her. 'Don't move.' the one with the bright red hair said. 'Ginny, its only Astoria.' ' She could have been imperiused' 'what's going on?' Astoria interrupted. They both looked down at her. 'see' Ginny said 'cursed'

Astoria slowly pulled herself up and dragged her body to lean against the sink. 'It happened again. The second time this month.' tears filled in her eyes as she muttered to herself. 'what happened the second time?' Ginny asked, momentarily forgetting her fierce attitude. Astoria gasped, 'no, no, no, I didn't mean to say that.' She then gasped again as hot tears streamed down her face. 'She's going to tell everyone, I have to go.' Astoria then tried to heave herself up but Luna put a hand on her shoulder. A tallish boy with a round face half ran in, he stopped to take in the scene before him. acknowledging Astoria's weak attempt to escape Lunas hold he asked, 'what's going on?'

'good question' Ginny said, 'what are you talking about, what happened and who's going to tell everyone?' Astoria was gasping for air, 'myrtle's going to tell everyone about-' She stopped, and replied haughtily 'It's none of your business, It's my problem.' ' If you don't tell us we'll make trouble, and it looks like you've got enough of that on your plate.'

Astoria knew she was trapped. 'OK, OK. It's a curse. I ... change into an animal. I'm a Maledictus' Astoria choked the last part. 'You can't tell a soul!' There was silence, Luna let her go and helped her up. 'we'll... um, take you to the hospital wing.' Ginny said awkwardly. 'no, wait, myrtle.' Astoria gasped.

'It's alright' came Luna's dreamy soprano, 'we'll take care of that.' Astoria looked at her, their unspoken friendship had reached a new level. She nodded. 'T-t-thankyou'.

Madam Pomfrey almost had a heart attack when she saw what had happened, and started fussing over Astoria. She smiled wryly at the trio slowly making their way to the door. 'thanks' se whispered going slightly pink.

later that day an overly tall, lanky third year came stepping proudly into the hospital wing holding up a piece of paper. 'I was told to give this to Astoria Greengrass.' Madam Pomfrey looked unsure for a second before nodding and handing the paper to Astoria. Astoria read the paper before going ghostly pale. 'I have a detention... with the Carrows' she knew that it was probably coming. She was sure she was the first Slytherin ever to receive a detention from them. biting her lip she sighed, as Madam Pomfrey shook her head sadly. 'What has this school come to?' Astoria heard her mutter under her breath.

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