Part four

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Addie and Andrew broke up after another month. She claimed he was being too clingy, and that he never let her be with Elliot. He told her that she should want to be with him more than Elliot. He then threw a comment at her face, saying that she was probably dumping him for Elliot this confused her, because she had never thought to think of him like that. And is she was being honest, she couldn't deny the love that she found in the newfound fantasies in her head. She realized now that maybe Andrew was right. Maybe she really was in love with Elliot.

Elliot was totally and irrevocably in love with Addie. He had been for years, it just took him some time to figure that out. When she broke up with Andrew, he couldn't help but feel a sliver of hope, that maybe now she would see him as Maybe more than a friend. Hope that maybe she would notice more when he stared at her with eyes like the stars. Hope that she would see how he did everything for her. Hope that she would love him too. After all, what is life without hope?

He decided to ask her out. It was a quick decision, and he hoped that he could just do it without thinking if it too much, knowing that any extra attention pulled to it would cause him to change his mind. He walked up to her and just asked. He asked her if she want to go on a date to dinner, then the state fair. She was quiet for a moment, and he started to get even more nervous, praying she wouldn't reject him. She smiled at him and nodded her head, too stunned to speak.

Unbeknownst to Elliot, Addie has been just about to ask him out instead. She decided that they had wasted enough time in their silly little lives. They were already seniors, and the opportunities were slowly decreasing with every extra breath taken. With every blink of the eye hundreds of missed opportunities for a better future pass by you. There's only so much you can do, so might as well do as much as you can.

He came to pick her up at 6:00, still nervous from before. When she answered the door, her appearance made his jaw drop to the floor. Her short, Lacey red dress fit her to perfection, and her hair had been curled into slight waves. She had natural makeup on, not wanting to draw attention away from the outfit itself. He blushed as his jaw finally closed.

"You look beautiful." He managed to stutter, not being able to meet her gaze.

"Thanks! You don't look so bad yourself!" She laughed, and it had easily become one of his favorite sounds.

They started their dinner, and it went perfectly. They then proceeded to go the fair, and they spent hours enjoying the fun it had to offer.

They became an official couple a few weeks later. They wanted to make up for lost time, and spent every waking moment together. They became known as Addie and Elliot, never one without the other. Always together.

They didn't break up even when they graduated. They stayed together through every hard ship and trial. They were best friends, end finally something more.

It was 3 years later when Elliot finally popped the question. Will you marry me? She of course said yes, and this marked the beginning of even more for them.

Exactly a year later Addie walked down the aisle, her white dress flowing around her beautifully. It was as if it was only Addie and Elliot in the room. Everyone else seemed to disappear.

They had a daughter two years later. They named her Lizzy after Elliot's sister. She was beautiful, with beautiful blue eyes, and light brown hair.

Of course, not everything was perfect.

After Lizzy's first birthday, the found out Elliot had cancer. They tried everything to help him get better, but nothing worked. His health only got worse and worse, until it got to the point where he couldn't even get out of bed.

He died six months later. The cancer had spread to his brain, and it eventually killed him.

There was a permanent picture of him in the house as Lizzy grew up, and they together, Addie and Lizzy learned how to move forward.

Elliot was the best thing that had happened to any of them. Even if he wasn't there on Earth, he would always be with them.

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