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BB-8 SOMEHOW MADE IT ACROSS THE WHOLE DAMNED GALAXY TO MAZ KANATA'S WATERING HOLE. I have no idea how he made it there, but I'm not mad about it. He's still alive, not a pile of scraps in the back of some hutt in Niima outpost. I just want to know how he even pulled a stunt like this off.
Poe Dameron

The sky is dark and the intercom is quiet. Our mission today must be entirely successful. If not, our efforts of finding Luke Skywalker are pointless. I reach into my breast pocket, taking hold of my com-link. Come on, Elyse. Where are you?

"Commander Dameron!" One of the fellow pilots exclaims over the intercom. "Look! Up, towards the Hosnian system."

"Poe, it's splitting apart." Jess says somberly, everyone's attention drawn to the Hosnian System.

"It's the First Order," I say. "They're targeting our allying systems. They're hoping we're hidden within the ranks of a larger system."

The supersonic boom of the Planets' destruction echoes back into our ships. The sky lights up and the sight of a destroyed set of planets greets our eyes.

"That was the Republic." I say quietly. "One of our greatest allies is now destroyed. This is an act of declaration. They're finally declaring war."

I exhale and lead the squadrons down to the surface of Tokodana. Maz's castle is hidden behind a large Forrest of lush overgrown trees. A lake sits on one plane of her castle. A rising plume of grey smoke greets us as we approach the water.

"Stay low to the lake. The lower you are, the more we scramble their tracking. We're trying to create our smoke and mirrors illusion, guys. Let's light them up." I say.

We line up, charging forward, soaring over the lake. Our sheer speed over the freezing water below causes a mist to surround us. I watch as groups of Stormtroopers create a sort of barricade before the retaining wall, aiming their guns up at us.

"Commander, they're armed," One of the pilots says. "What do we do?"

"They might have guns, but we've got bigger guns. Go straight at them, don't let these Dogs scare you." I say.

"Roger that," Jess says.

"We're with you, Poe," Snap says.

I speed forward and lift off of the water, charging up my guns. I switch to mag-pulse and fire down on the first squadron at the retaining wall. Their bodies fly through the air like rag-dolls. They collide with the ground, their helmets twisting from the collision. A small group of people, no more than three of them, stands in the center of a quickly dissipating ring. Their arms are raised high above their head. I switch to missiles, narrowing in on finer targets. I shoot the two stormtroopers aiming their guns at the people in the center of the ring. The three in the center nod to one another, frantically running to grab any weapon they can find.

"I want all eyes on those three down there. Any identification on them?" I ask, soaring up overhead to chase a TIE.

"Commander, that looks like a Wookie." One pilot says.

I raise my eyebrows and turn my head. Is Han here with Chewie? Is this really it? Is he really here?

"Did you say Wookie?" I ask as I shoot the first of many TIEs down.

"Yes, sir." They reply.

"Can anyone else confirm this sighting? I'm a little busy at the moment chasing this son of a bitch down." I say, referring to another TIE-Fighter.

"It's real, Poe. I think it's him." Karé says.

"I want two crafts searching the perimeter immediately for any ships that might indicate who's down there with that Wookie. You find anything, anything at all, you call me." I say.

Two pilots break away from the remainder of a formation, although most of us are busy chasing down TIE-Fighters. The rumble of a loud ION Engine from the TIE-Fighter above rumbles within my craft. The collision of another TIE-Fighter hitting the ground sends dust and flames up at my craft. I narrow my eyes and examine what's left of the castle. The building is destroyed, continuously, the rubble colliding to the ground with heavy thuds. Ships soar over head, passing back and forth until Maz's castle is ultimately a pile of dust. This was her home, a place she raised from ashes until she got it nearly perfect. Now it's gone. A thick sensation of anguish fills the air, although it's muddy trying to pinpoint who exactly is feeling this way. There are multiple people here at the moment, although not all of them are feeling the same way. One person's anguish outweighs another.

"Commander Dameron, sir, there's a freighter just shy of two Klicks South of Maz's castle." A younger pilot says.

"I'm on my way," I reply. "Jess, you take this guy off my Ass?"

"You've got it, Poe. We've got it from here." She replies, taking my position in leading the TIE-Fighter.

I turn, dropping sharply, and fly two Klicks south. I stop and make a quick circle, peering down at the ground. A large white Corellian YT-1300f light freighter sits on the ground, surrounded by Stormtroopers.

"Squadrons, it's him. I want all defense aimed on protecting the Wookie and other two people down on the ground. Karé, come show this rookie what you've got. I want a clean up of these Stormtroopers here." I say, whipping around.

Karé flies to the rookie, showing him her skill and quick decision making. She's a hell of a sharpshooter, good enough to give me some fierce competition. I'm still better, in my opinion.

"Jess, on your tail. I've got him." I say, taking a sharp turn, using the palm of my hand to stabilize myself in my seat.

I switch to cannons, zeroing in on the TIE-Fighter. She drops out of the way and I fire twice. The TIE collides with the ground, a plume of flames stretching up to greet me.

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