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• poe dameron •

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• poe dameron •

TODAY IS MY FIRST DAY OF STAGE TWO OF TRAINING, meaning, you'll start to receive my letters soon. I really miss you. As if my previous letter didn't express that enough. But I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I'm first in my class. In fact, I'm excelling in all of the courses. Some say I had the unfair advantage of having you for a parent but I made sure that they understood that it was all fair. I can't wait to come home sometime. Han says that whoever finishes all three levels with the highest accumulated score could possibly be sent out on a special mission. I kind of hope it's not me so I can come home. I'll talk to you soon.
     — Poe Dameron

"Trainees, those of you that still remain have made it to level two. Now, level one was all mental. It was learning the terminology, doing the busy work, learning how to talk and act pike a pilot. But in stage two, all of your training becomes physical. You create experiences. You make lifelong friends. You get your call signs. You won't get to fly until two weeks from the end of stage two. Stage three is all about flight. In stage two, you work on your accuracy and your hand to hand combat skills among other things." Han says.

I look at Snap, an eyebrow raised and a smile on my lips. I've been stressing about these fights for forever but I've also been anticipating them. These fights help me secure my ranking. Han raises a clipboard.

"The fights will be paired as follows: Wexley vs Patterson. Kun vs Quinn. Pava vs Crum. Dameron vs Hunt." He says.

He leads us out of the dorms, down to the hall. He stops us at the doors to the medical bay.

"Before we go to the training center, you get to meet our wonderful medical staff. In the 'unfortunate' event that one of you is injured, you'll come here and be evaluated before continuing your training. If you are unfit to return, you'll reside here until you are cleared for training again." He says.

Everyone stares at each other—the med staff at us, and us at the med staff. We stay perfectly still, pin-drop quiet. Until I reach out.

"Private Poe Dameron." I say, offering my hand to one Med intern.

I recognize her from the table where Jess sat the night I apologized. She raises an eyebrow and takes my hand, shaking it.

"Doctor Piper Crowe." She says. "It's wonderful to meet you, Private."

I offer my hand to another med intern and she stares at it then smiles at Piper.

"Doctor Marlene Mason. So, you're the ambitious fly guy we've heard all about from our friends. Lovely." She says.

My cheeks feel hot but ignore them. Han walks over, smiling at Piper and Marlene.

"Sergeant Solo, how nice it is to see you again." Piper says.

He smiles, nodding in their direction.

"The honor is all mine, Doctor." He says. "Doctor Krantz, you have two wonderful students in your class. They both will do you proud."

They smile, nodding to him.

"Thank you, Han." Marlene says.

He turns around, eyeing us all with a large smirk. He clears his throat and checks his watch.

"Well then, I suppose it's time we get on with our training. Private Wexley and Private Patterson, you're up first." Han says.

We turn on our heels.

"Goodbye, Private Dameron." Marlene mocks, wiggling her fingers. "Goodbye Sergeant Solo." Piper calls out.

I smile at Snap, winking. Two cute Doctors—I'll have to see what kinds of injuries I can get to see those two more often.

"Don't even think about it, you two. They're too good for either of you hooligans." Han says. "Besides, Piper is Taken and someone else already has their eye on Marlene."

I cock an eyebrow, sighing. We're all silent for the rest of the walk towards the training center. I watch the people who pass us by. A group of mechanics wheels an Astromech droid down the hall on a cart as it sparks and smokes. A group of grounds men walk by, all nodding to us in perfect unison. I turn my head and focus back on the journey to the training center. We reach a set of stainless steel doors and Han stops us.

"The events of today's occurrences behind these doors is what determines your rank. Stay on your feet. You want the best possible score you can get." He says.

He pushes open the large set of metal doors, opening the center to us. The left door groans as it swings open. Han reaches to his right and hits a light switch, causing the lights to come on, one by one. A large spotlight clicks on, shining over the padded mat that we will have our fights on.

"Welcome to the Resistance Aviator Physical Training center." Han says.

The mat looks well worn and stained with red splotches here and there. It's obvious that there's been blood spilt here. Snap removes his boots and steps onto the mat.

"Now, the rules are as follows; No biting. No kicking while someone is on the ground. The match ends when someone concedes." Han says.

My opponent, Connor Hunt, speaks out, an eyebrow cocked, his arms crossed.

"I heard that the matches end when someone is knocked out." He says.

Han looks over at him, his eyebrows raised. He bites his bottom lip and sighs.

"Oh, I'm sorry, are you the instructor?" He asks, his voice rough and low.

Hunt shakes his head, but looks completely unfazed by Han's gravely voice.

"Then stop acting like it. The match ends when you concede." He says.

Everyone nods. Snap looks over at me and looks worried. His opponent is Peter Patterson, a generally nice guy. Peter is tall, with blonde hair and blue eyes. Peter doesn't seem like the fighting type. He doesn't seem to want to fight Snap either.

"Go ahead, you two. Start." Han says, pressing the start button on his watch.

In the arena, Snap punches Peter hard in the jaw. I wince. Across the room, Connor smirks at the punch. Peter stumbles to the side, one hand pressed to his face, and blocks Snap's next punch with his free hand. Judging by his grimace, blocking the punch is as painful as a blow would have been. Snap is slower, but more powerful. Peter hooks a foot around one of Snap's legs and yanks back, knocking him to the ground. Snap scrambles to his feet. Peter puts his hands up again. One hard shot to the head and Snap will knock him out cold. That is, if he can actually hit Peter. Snap tries a punch, and Peter ducks, the back of his neck shining with sweat. He dodges another punch, slipping around Snap and kicking him hard in the back. Snap lurches forward and turns. He charges at Peter, grabbing his arm so he can't slip away, and punches him hard in the jaw. I watch the light leave Peter's eyes, which are pale blue, like water. They roll back into his head, and all the tension falls from his body. He slips from Snap's grasp, dead weight, and crumples to the floor. Cold rushes down my back and fills my chest. Snap looks down at him and crouches down immediately. He shakes Peter slightly, waking him up.

"Congratulations, Private Wexley. Go ahead and help him up and take him down to the Medical Bay to get him checked out." He says.

Snap nods and pulls Peter up. He walks him out of the center and I look back at Han.

"Okay. Who's next?" He asks.

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