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ELYSE LIED TO HER FRIENDS, telling them that she was training off world to become a Pilot

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ELYSE LIED TO HER FRIENDS, telling them that she was training off world to become a Pilot. But, instead, she was training to be a Jedi. She was training with her brother, Ben. Why would she lie? She's hiding something for a reason. Why?
     — Poe Dameron

"Poe Dameron, Where is my Daughter?" Leia asks, angrily, demanding the location of Elyse.
I look down at Elyse who lay under my old blanket from my childhood.

"She's safe, General. I have her. Although, I'm not flying her back to the Base immediately, General." I say, kneeling down to look at her.

Her skin is pale, her cheeks flushed with rosy color. She glows, her skin pale and soft like Starlight.

"Excuse me? Lieutenant, I did not just hear you say that." She says, her tone sharp like glass. "Poe, do not tell me you are blatantly avoiding my instructions."

I reach down, brushing a thick lock of hair out of Elyse's eyes, looking down at her beautiful face without any obstructions.

"No, General, of course not. I'm only saving your Daughter's life." I say, stepping out of the hutch. "Something bad happened."

"Saved her life? What do you mean?" Leia asks, her concern obvious in her tone.

"When I found her, she was pinned beneath a speeder. To free her, I had to push it off of her. She had a large wound, most likely from the crash on her abdomen. She was bleeding pretty badly. So, I took her to a doctor. While there, we discovered a severe burn. He determined it was most likely from some sort of local weapon." I say, watching the clouds in the sky.

I wave for BB-8 to follow, leaving my father with Elyse for the time-being.

"There's something out there. Something that puts the missing puzzle pieces to this story. I need to explore the area where I found her, see if I can find the rest of the story. I'll let you know what I find." I say, ending the call.

BB-8 beeps rapidly, following me as quick as he can.

"We're going to search the area surrounding where we found her. Something else has to be there." I say.

I load him into the ship, climbing into the cockpit, flying to the wreckage of the speeder. I examine the speeder, finding no evidence. I follow a trail from where the speeder was traveling from. I walk for maybe five, ten minutes max, finding my way into a small community of house-like hutches. I reach for my blaster on my waist-band.

"BB-8, stick close." I say, slowly walking towards the hutches.

One hutch is reduced to bricks, fallen apart by some miraculously strong force. I crouch down, reaching towards the deep auburn colored stones. I place my palm onto the stones, sighing out to listen to the world. BB-8 beeps of finding something.

"I'll be there in a second, buddy, okay?" I ask, closing my eyes.

"Ben, wait! No!" Luke screams, his voice hoarse and scratchy.

A cold breeze runs down my body, reaching my fingertips, almost as if someone is breathing down the back of my neck.

"No... You've turned. Ben, please don't do this. Stop!" Elyse screams, fear strong in her throat as she begs him to stop.

I let go of the stones, backing away from them. I look at the hutch, swallowing sharply.

"Terrible things have happened here." I whisper.

BB-8 beeps again, looking up at me. I turn my head, spotting him next to a boy and girl laying on a stone path. I sprint towards him, crouching beside the girl. Her eyes are open, aimed towards the sky, lifeless. I reach down, closing them with my palm. I look down, spotting a similar burn on her stomach to that of which Elyse has, except this girl's burn pierces through her body. On the boy, his eyes are closed, his neck burnt similar to Elyse's as well. I stand, spotting the door beside me halfway open. I step inside, spotting a journal on the bed. I grab it, sitting on the mattress.

Elyse Organa-Solo, entry seven:
     Ben and I spoke the other night of personal troubles we've been encountering lately. I told him of how homesick I've been since leaving Mother and Father back at home in the Resistance base. Personally, I was expecting a similar answer from him. But, instead what I got was a sort of testimony, explaining to me that he's been fighting internally with a dark voice in the back of his mind. He believes this voice is the Dark side calling him. At first, he believed that everyone had a dark voice in the back of their skull, telling them small thing they should do to rebel against a sort of system. But, upon further discovery, he's learned that not everyone has that. I fear that one day, this voice will consume him and, eventually, my brother, Ben Solo, will be gone for good.

I raise my head from the book, looking down at BB-8.

"This is Elyse's journal. She knew Ben was going to turn." I say. "We've got to get back to Elyse and the hutch."

I grab the journal, putting it in my bag, stepping out of the hutch. I kneel down, lifting the dead woman off of the path, carrying her to a soft place in the grass. I return to the boy, lifting him, carrying him to a spot beside the girl. I step into Elyse's hutch, grabbing two sheets from the mattresses. I cover both the girl and boy, leaving now with a cleaner conscience now that they've been put to rest better than before.

"He killed them, BB-8. Ben Solo killed those two students. He killed them in cold blood and left their bodies there to rot. Then ran. Something bad happened to him while he was here, BB-8. We need to go, now." I say.

We return to the X-Wing, flying back to father and his hutch. Elyse is still asleep when I return.

"How is she?" I ask, looking down at her.

He nods, looking up from his book.

"Hasn't woken up once. Where did you go?" He asks.

I reach into my bag, retrieving Elyse's journal.

"I found the truth." I say.

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