Chapter 8: A wild Spamano appears

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Warning- Curseing courtesy of our lovely South Italy. Also, Northie = North Italy and Southie = South Italy.

The nations were gathered at the meeting table, everyone sat in their chairs....Ish. Actually, Alfred was sitting in Ivan's lap saying it is his seat. No one wanted to fight the Russian after the glare sent their way.

Suddenly, a note fell and landed on Northie's face. Causing him to jump and scream then run around the room till Germany caught him.

Looking at the note, Germany raised an eyebrow. He then looked at the others and said.

"Apparently, this note just says duck." Germany said

Mostly everyone ducked and thankfully were missed by two chairs that came flying into the room and to two newly opened spots. Some were wapped in the head a bit, not too seriously.

Ivan simply glared and even the chairs moved away scared. There is nothing in this world more protective then Ivan of Alfred and now he has a chance to show it.

I mean, other than bashing in America haters skulls, as well as anyone who was talking sh*t in the meeting. That's beside the point.

Anyway, another note fell, this time settling itself in Japan's hair. Japan calmly takes the note off his head and reads it.

"Sorry bout that, we will now be dropping in your newest roommates. So to say." Kiku read and the others looked to the door.

However, the note meant literally dropping them in. Two bodies slammed into the table, appearing from thin air.

One, immediately started cursing in a rather creative way. The other, just rubbed his head.

"Fratello!" Northie chirped tackling the other "Hug therapy."

"I don't need hug therapy you bastardo!" Southie cursed some more

"Looooovi!" The other, Spain, said

"Shut it Spain bastard." Southie yells

Soon, Spain started hugging Southie with Northie. Southie looked like he was deciding if he wanted to die or if he liked it. Not that he would admit he likes it.

England and France started quarrelling, as usual. Is there a time when they aren't, yes but that's best kept behind closed doors.

Romano broke free, he then immeditaly started yelling at Ludwig. Cursing him out for everything. Suddenly he froze.

"Wait a minute, where-a are we? " Lovino asks

"Oh, we're in another dimension where time passes differently and we are reading each others diarys and seeing things we rather forget. So far, it's choosing victims." Alfred said matter-of-factly

"Holy crapola, Hamburger bastard said something rational I must be dreaming. Or maybe I'm having a nightmare, Spain is here..." Southie mused.

"I wouldn't think too lowly of my  fredka, he is beautiful and perfect." Ivan growls

"Vanya stop." Alfred says with pink cheeks at the compliment.

"Nyet!" Ivan said, gently hugging him close and Alfred giggled

"Are you seeing what I'm seeing Roma?" Spain asks

"If you-a mean hamburger bastard and vodka bastard acting like a married couple. Then yes, yes I do." Southie said

"America, since when did you have any smarts?" England suddenly asked

"Forever. You might've noticed if you weren't parading around the pillaging a third of the world." Alfred responded with no hesitation.

"Definitely a nightmare." Southie mused, pinching himself. He let out a small ow at the action.

"Loovi, does that mean we are having the same dream?!" Spain says happily

"No bastard! It's my dream and I'm not fucking sharing it. Get-a your own!" Southie yells

"Awwwwe, that's mean." Spain pouts

"Stop making that face, just fucking stop bastardo! It makes you look all droopy." Romano says before looking away.

"You do care!" Spain shouts

"I never said I didn't." Southie said pinkly "Bastard."

Japan, was practically fangirling over there. Another one of his many, many ships. He is a yaoi fangirl and proud of it.

Northie genuinly smiled at his brother, the brotherly love strong. Even if his other half,  Mr.GrouchyItalian, doesn't show it well because he is a tsundere.

Germany regarded the scene, wondering when South Italy was gonna start cursing him out again. The book in his lap glowed and gained a few pages.

Then, the glow went away and the book had more to read. Germany sighed, at this rate they were never getting home. But, as long as everyone's happy than it's not too bad.

"Hey little bruder, vhy you pouting like a fish over here? Do you miss my awesomeness?" Prussia said giving Germany a smirk.

"Vhat, no." Ludwig said looking at his brother, who wasn't looking at him "Vhat are you doing?"

"I'm checking out the best view in the world~." Prussia chimed.

Germany followed his eyes and didn't see anyone. It seemed like an empty chair. What was so beautiful about an empty chair? His brother is so weird.

And of course, there was RusAme. They were being smitten with each other. Seemingly forgetting the rest of the world. Then somehow got their hands on some chocolates, that unfortunately were not swiss.

Ivan was feeding Alfred these chocolates because he felt Alfred was too skinny and needed more in his belly. Preferably actually food but chocolate for now.

Alfred was too flustered to say no, the act itself making him super blushy. Ivan's care was the cherry ontop. He never truly felt this cared for except when the states restrain him to the bed and care for him when he gets sick. Or just, with them in general.

Alfred had a bit of chocolate on his lips, instead of a normal person and simply wiping it off, Ivan kissed it off.

A few were watching this display of affection like watching a mouse eating a dog, eating a snake, eating a lion. It makes no sense.

Alfred looks away with a blush, unused to such affection. Ivan gently grabs his chin and brings him to meet his eyes.

I remind you Alfred is basically straddling him, sitting in his lap. If France wasn't fighting his lov- Ehem, enemy then he might wiggle his brow.

"So." It was Canada speaking " when's the wedding?"

A/N- After being asked by my lovely readers *cough* aConfusedAmerican *cough* multiple times, I am happy to give this update. I'm sorry it sucks.

What is editing?

Au revoir!

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