Chapter 4: The Break

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Matthew was softly rocking his twin who was slowly falling asleep. Ivan kneeled in front of them and softly strokes Alfred's blonde locks.

Matthew didn't mind because he knew how much his brother loved the Russian. Though, Alfred would never admit it out loud. Maybe that'll be a good thing that comes out of this.

Matthew gently picked up the overly light American and frowned. He didn't feel bones or anything but he was underweight.

Actually, you notice a lot of things with the American in your arms. His face was free of stress and made him look as young as he really is. But, you could also see the dark bags from sleepless nights somehow hidden by America's thin glasses.

You could see slight scars on his perfectly tan skin, you could see slightly more prominant scars on both of his hands from writing so much, much more on his left as he is left handed.

You could also see how loose his clothes were on his underweight body, it was hard to see under the big bomber jacket but this close you could see it.

"It seems like Alfie hasn't been eating enough..." Matthew says gently

Ivan looks at his crush concerned for his health, he couldn't help but melt a bit at how innocent he looks. Suddenly, Matthew places Alfred in Ivan's arms.

Alfred snuggles into Ivan's chest as if he knew it was him. He of course, was still asleep. Matthew smirked.

Ivan's cheeks tinted pink, he smiled lightly and seemed to forget he was with Matthew. Ivan held him close, Alfred unconsciously curls into him.

"So, you love my brother eh?" Matthew teases and Ivan blushes a shade pinker.

"U-uh" Ivan stutters out "Da"

"You better, or I'll find my hockey stick." Matthew threatened

"D-da" Ivan says

They find a place with a large kitchen, dining area, and a hallway full of bedrooms. A list was on the wall, it had each room and a set of names.

Bedroom assignments:

Room 1: America and Russia

Room 2: Canada and Prussia

Room 3: France and England

Room 4: Japan and China

Room 5: Germany and Italy

Room 6: Michigan and Colorado

Ivan blushed slightly but quickly found room one. On the dark wooden door there was two flags pinned into the wood. One flag was the three horizontal stripes of his own, the other the beautiful stars and stripes of Alfred's flag.

He opened the door, the room was decorated with red, white and blue. On the far wall was a mural, it had both flags waving in the wind. Their sticks crossed and in between was a small heart that was a mixture of the two flags.

However, he soon noticed there was only one bed. The blanket was a navy blue and was marked with 50 five-pointed stars. The sheets were red and were softly folded over the blue blanket. The pillows were a mixture of red, white, and blue.

He softly set the sleeping America down on the soft bed. He tucked him in and couldn't resist kissing his forehead softly. The door opened soon after and two teens/children/ tweens/ young people stumbled in.

"Is ma okay?!" They both ask, Matthew and Ivan shush them pointing at the sleeping American.

Cassidy and Torrie smile as they watch their mother sleep softly, he hadn't slept properly for weeks.

"About time he slept..." Cassidy whispered softly

"Why?" Ivan asks

"He hasn't been sleeping well has he?" Matthew said

"Hasn't been eating well either, no matter what we do." Torrie says looking at Alfred

"Fredka..." Ivan says softly

"We'll make him eat, just a little bit. I'll make pancakes, no one can resist the sweetness of my pancakes." Matthew says with determination.

"We should let him sleep, Ivan should stay so he doesn't wake up alone. The others are in chaos right now." Cassidy explains

"We should help them. Ivan, wait here for him to wake up. He will need love and comfort when he awakens."  Matthew confirms with a nod. The three leave and Ivan is left alone with Alfred. He smiles gently at the cute American.

"It'll be okay Fredka, we'll take care of you." Ivan says softly

Ivan reaches out and grabs Alfred's hand, he rubs his hand lovingly with his thumb. He moves to leave the bedside but Alfred latches onto him.

"Stay" Alfred said half-asleep still

Ivan looked at the American and went back to the bedside, then with a huge amount of strength Alfred picks Ivan up and flips him onto the bed. Alfred then cuddles into the dazed Russians chest and falls right back to sleep.

Ivan blinked a few times and assessed the situation. Alfred just flipped him onto the bed with one hand and was now asleep, curled into his chest. He looked down at Alfred and smiled softly. He just lays there until he slowly fell asleep on the beyond comfortable bed.



Torrie was passed out in the corner covered in potato chips, she fainted when the fire started...

Cassidy was laughing manically and was playing with the fire, she lost her mind when she saw the fire.

Canada was chasing around Prussia with a hockey stick, Prussia was running ahead with a lighter and can of some flammable spray.

England and France somehow escaped to their room, which the door looked similar to RusAme's door but it had their flags pinned on instead. England was crying into France's shoulder with overwhelming guilt going through him. France was softly caressing his back and whispering soft French that strangely calmed the Englishman.

Japan, well he was having a fangirl attack in the corner. You see, he had been spying on RusAme and now had a bunch of pictures and inspiration for his manga.

China had went to his room and fell asleep quickly like the old man he is. He was blissfully unaware of the chaos.

Northie went into the kitchen and now every inch was covered in different pastas. He was still happily making pasta at the stove. Unaware of the fire not far behind him.

Germany was looking for the fire extinguisher but couldn't find anything fire related. He was the only one actually trying to stop the fire.

In the end, they just went to bed. Each one crawling into bed.  Except Prussia because Canada made him sleep on the slighly singed couch.

When they woke up, it was like it never happened. The place was clean and free of fire damage. Though, Northie's pasta was all packed away with a note on it. It was from Rome.

A/N-I rolled a dice and this was the story I rolled. So, have an update. Sorry if it's not what you wanted...

What is editing?

Au revoir!

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