Chapter 9 cx

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A/N: To everyone who's reading, Hi and I hope you enjoy reading the latest edition of 'Creepy Things To Do'! :D

This one's dedicated to 'thebiggestswiftie' for their idea (#151) as another creepy thing to do :3


151.) Stare at people creepily in an elevator and talk in a weird voice. See how long it takes them to change elevators. Do this constantly and continuously until you have reached the top floor, in a really tall building. Then go back down again until you have had enough fun.

152.) Sit in class with a bag of frozen peas, flicking pea after pea at the person in the seat in front of you. When they turn around, mumble under you breath, and avoid eye-contact.

153.) Wear summer clothes in the winter and winter clothes in the summer. If anyone tries to ask you about it, burst out crying and scream, "You don't understand!", before running away hysterically.

154.) Book a large table in an expensive restaurant just for yourself and call the waiter over every five minutes to ask what the time is as you eat your food. Every time the waiter replies with the correct time, say "No, you're wrong! It's dinner time!" and laugh creepily.

155,) Tell everyone that you're an excellent violinist. Proceed to take one out of a nearby case and play it as awfully as possible, whilst singing badly. When you've finished, ask why nobody is clapping.

156.) Fall onto the floor and grab a random person's leg. Prevent them from being able to walk away or just slide along the floor as they walk. If they try to say anything to you, reply with "In the name of th law, I order you to stay stationary for the next hour." See if they actually stop walking or even stay still for an hour.

157.) Go to the Opera or the Ballet and climb up onto the stage, joining in and doing everything wrong on purpose, upstaging the main act in the process. See how long it takes you to get dragged away by security.

158.) Walk up and down the road with a box, saying that you're collecting money for a charity. When people ask you what charity it is, say "That's for me to know and you to find out", in a creepy manner whilst shaking your box in the person's face. See if anyone actually gives you anything.

159.) Mime cycling on an imaginary bike as you walk to school. Push past people who are walking in front of you and act as though you're in a hurry to get there as fast as possible.

160.) Dress up in a scary costume, like as a clown or something, and find yourself a dark alleyway to hide in. Every time somebody walks past, jump out and shout "Pizza!" at them whilst dancing randomly.

161.) Speak in third person with a funny accent every time somebody tries to talk to you. Every time someone tells you to stop or asks you to stop, clap your hands over your ears and ignore them.

162.) Go up to a random person on the street and ask them if they're happy. Whatever their answer is, recoil and claim that you can't waste time around somebody that isn't as happy as you are, before limping away.

163.) Construct a windmill made entirely out of toilet paper rolls in your front garden. When people walk past, call out and say to them that this is "The energy of the future". Don't forget the manic grin on your face as you pile on the toilet paper.

164.) Don't wash for a couple of days and go into a perfume shop. Proceed to have a seizure and shout about how the smell of hygiene is killing you slowly.

165.) Sit next to somebody who is doing homework and eat noisily with your mouth open, out of a crisp bag or some other packet of food you can easily crinkle up. If they ask you to go, stare blankly at them and if they move away, follow them.

166.) When you're in the toilet washing your hands at the sink, put your bags at the other sinks so people have to wait until you've finished to wash their hands. If they try to move your bag, scream "Eee, germs!" and bat them away, forcing them to wait.

167.) Go into a bakery and sniff at all the food before putting them back in their places. Don't buy anything and if the shop assistant asks what you're looking for, say you don't know.

168.) When you're at the gym, walk around eating junk food and watching people as they exercise with a creepy look on your face. Occasionally make comments like "Keep going!" or "I know you can do it!" to random people.

169.) Change people's ringtones to inappropriate songs or annoying noises and phone them when you know that they're in a class. Even worse, withhold your number so they don't know it's you. If they ask you about it, pretend that you can't hear them or change the subject.

170.) Bring a bag of random old pyjamas out with you and throw them at random people on the street, telling them that you thought they could do with a new dress style.

171.) If somebody asks you where you're sitting for lunch reply "Under your table!" before running away, laughing hysterically.

172.) On Easter Sunday, throw rotten eggs at people from the top window of your house as you shout down, "Happy Easter, losers!!"

173.) Carry around a jack-in-the-box wherever you go and pop up behind people, scaring them with it at every opportunity. When they freak out, look at them weirdly and walk away, rolling your eyes as you look for your next victim.

174.) Walk around in a dark cape, pretending to be Dracula and threatening to drink people's blood.


A/N: Hopefully you found that as funny as I did whilst writing it! xD Let me know in the comments what you thought and don't forget to vote if you liked reading this!!

The question for this chapter is, have you ever seen another person do one of these? Like in public or at school/work? I've seen #152 and #153 happen before :3 

Have a creepy day,


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2015 ⏰

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