Cosplay in the rain

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This time, when Kalen woke up, it was blissfully silent. Nobody lurking nearby and the traps did not alert them through the night so he slept soundly.

After packing up the camp, they moved forward North. They needed food and needed it desperately. Lia was better, but she was still recovering. Charlie was no better. She had slipped back into her mood after waking up in a fright. He guessed a nightmare, but she wouldn't say.

"How long did that traveller say it was 'till the next village?" Niki asked. She was slightly out of breath- they all were.

"Erm..." Maggie looked at the map and then to Kalen, who was walking slightly behind her, supporting Thalia, despite her numerous protests that she was fine.

"I think he said about three miles. Not that far." Kalen answered. They had met a lonely traveller a few miles back who had pointed them in the direction of a village.

Niki muttered under her breath a curse and turned to glance at Charlie, who was straying behind slightly.

"We need to stick close." She said, falling back to walk Charlie's speed.

"I know, sorry." Was all she said.

"Don't let it win." Nikita spoke after a beat of silence.

"Let what win?" She said, her tone slightly bitter considering Charlie was not a bitter person.

"Whatever it is that's making you, not be you. Prove to yourself that you're above it because you are. I don't want to look at you, and see a ghost- Do you understand?" She was firm but gentle at the same time. Kalen could just about hear them, how sure Niki sounded. It made him love her all over again.

He didn't hear a response from Charlie, she was probably mulling it all over in her head. She was book smart, there was no doubt. But when it came down to emotions, she was very closed off.

Kalen didn't blame her of course, he didn't really like talking about himself either, that's one of the many reasons they both got along so well.

That and the fact that they both liked cosplay. That was how they initially met, Charlie was at a Halloween party dressed as Rose Tyler from Doctor who and Kalen, thinking he was funny, had gone as a Dalek. Really, it was more of a cardboard box, but on a student budget, shopping was hard.

They had got talking and found common ground. From then on they'd go to comic-con together, then they started hanging out normally and soon became pretty good friends.

It wasn't until Charlie met Thalia, that they all formed a proper group. Thalia was in half of Nikitas classes during college, so had become good friends from there.
Time went by and one rainy day at lunch, they all found themselves sat on the same table together.

"There it is!" Maggie shouted from the front.

At the bottom of the hill, was a little settlement. It was rather busy considering the war, and the fact that it was just a small place.

"Is there an event going on that we're not aware of?" Kalen asked.

"It's probably a trading post." Maggie answered, brushing her hair back from her face. It was windy and the sky had turned its usual grey of England.

"Well, it's going to rain, we should go into an Inn or something." Niki suggested, walking to stand beside Maggie.

"We don't have any money, and we've nothing to trade." She stated.

"Guess we'll just have to sneak in then." Lia said from behind them all.
They turned to look at her, a mixture of humour and surprise.

"It's always the quiet ones isn't it?" Niki laughed.

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