Much Ado About Nothing

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Two days had come and gone since Niki had awoken in the woods. It had rained all the previous day and night forcing Will to build small shelters and tents from leaves and fur.

It was terribly cold in the shade, despite the Summer heat and Niki was about done with the outdoors.

"I cannot wait to have a proper shower." She was sitting under her shelter made from sticks and branches, drying off after bathing in the nearby stream. It was the best they could do under the circumstances.

Lia was inclined to agree. "Do you remember that small café on the edge of town? That one with the cherry chocolate truffles they'd sell every Valentine's day? It had a bench by its window. - God, what was it called; 'Sun' something . . . " Lia crawled into the shade next to Niki.

"Sun‐Day desserts," Charlie called from their right, her head tilted back as she took in the sun's warmth, her blonde hair turning marvellous shades of gold. "I'd always go there after school and get a Chicken and Bacon sandwich for tea, usually on Tuesdays, mum and dad were on late shifts."

"I loved that place." Lia smiled as she took a sip of water to wash down the fish they'd had for lunch.

"The woman who owned it handed out water balloons to some kids during a heatwave one time. I remember that summer so well." Charlie recalled, pulling grass from its roots. "Had my first date there and everything."

"Oh jeez, I remember her." Niki laughed, "Riley Court - First year of College. Whatever happened with you two?"

Charlie gave a hesitant look around and finding their campmates out of earshot, nodded. "She was nice, but then she changed colleges and we just kinda drifted, I guess."

Niki shrugged, picking a daisy from the grass in front of her. "Well screw her- You're going to find someone way better. Besides, she didn't like Lia. And that's physically impossible."

Thalia smiled, leaning back slightly. "You can't expect everyone to like you, Niki. It just doesn't work like that."

"And that is exactly why everyone should like you. You're humble." Niki turned, putting the daisy in Lia's hair, just over her ear. She laughed. It was almost a whisper of breath but a laugh all the same and Niki thought it was the first time she'd heard Thalia laugh since the car crash.

"Will! Marian!" Much shouted as his stomping feet echoed through the woods and into the clearing. A small satchel banging at his side and a look of panic contorting his features into a frown.

"Slow down Much," Will lulled, grabbing hold of Much's shoulders. "Breathe."

Much took a few shuddering breaths before Marian stepped forwards and brushed his hair back off his sweaty face. "What the heavens have happened? Are you alright?"

Niki and the others shot to their feet, all huddling around Much.

"I was . . . Walking from the mill . . . snuck out whilst mum was at the market." He looked from Will to Marian to Robin, who was stood by Allan and John to the right of William.

"Yes . . ." John coaxed him to continue. His hand unconsciously catching the hilt of his sword resting on his belt.

"A girl- I slipped and fell down the gutter in the back of our land holdings, you know the field-where we grow the wheat?" He stammered, struggling to get his words out and catch a breath.

"I-I fell. A girl-There was a girl in the gutter. She wasn't breathing! There was blood everywhere!"

"-Alright! It's alright Much. Calm down." Marian, smoothing back his hair, looked to Robin nervously.

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