Part 4

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Annabeth P.O.V

Everything hurt. Her head hurt, her eyes hurt, and by the gods did her chest hurt. It hurt her just to breath. She winced as a bright light was shinned in her eyes. She tried to move her hand to block it out, but her body wasn’t responding. So she just lay there, while people fiddled with her and impaled her skin with needles. Soon the pain lessened and she felt herself slipping away again. The pain was still there, just not as harsh. She really wished Percy could be with her.


Annabeth’s eyes snapped open and she started struggling to get up. She was lying on a gurney in a moving ambulance, surrounded by paramedics, who rushed to calm her as she thrashed. She was suddenly hit with a wave of pain, which spread from her chest to the rest of her body. Moving hurt.

A young female nurse with sparkling blue eyes softly stroked her hair and held her hand, trying to comfort her.

“What’s wrong sweetie?” she asked Annabeth, “Is it the boy?”

Annabeth’s eyes widened; how did this lady know about Percy? Then reasoning took over her and she realised that she would’ve seen him when she pulled Annabeth out of the ruined Prius.

Annabeth vigorously nodded her head, and then groaned when a fresh wave of pain overtook her.

“We got they boy out of the wreckage and he’s on his way to hospital in the ambulance in front of us right now,” The lady continued to stroke Annabeth’s hair soothingly, “Do you think you could tell us his name, or yours?” the lady asked.

Panting Annabeth replied, “He’s… Percy… well, Perseus… Jack…son,” Annabeth groaned in pain and the nurse made soothing noises at her,

“Calm down, okay? Just relax; we don’t need you to tell us any more right now, okay?” She turned a dial next to Annabeth’s gurney and Annabeth grew even tireder, “Just sleep, alright?”

Annabeth nodded before falling into an unsteady sleep.


Jack P.O.V

It took them three and a half minutes to arrive back at the hospital, and the boy wasn’t holding up very well. He was deathly pale, most likely from blood loss, and despite the fact that he was hooked up to the oxygen tank, he had stopped breathing twice on the way back.

As soon as the ambulance had stopped outside the hospital, Jack had jumped out and rushed to get the boy inside to the already prepped operating room. He looked to his left as he rolled the boy through the doors and could see that Heather was doing the same with the girl. It didn’t take Jack long to get the boy inside, and then he was ushered out from the operating team, so they could start on his various injuries.

When Heather walked out of the other room, where the girl was being operated on, Jack walked over to her,

“Did you get the girl’s name?”

Heather shook her head, “But I did get the boy’s”, Jack raised his eyebrows, “It’s Perseus Jackson,”

Jack nodded, “Then you’d better get his parents on the phone,” He looked at the boy’s operating room sadly, “we’ve got some bad news for them”

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