The Day

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Sadly I DO NOT own the Percy Jackson series, although that is what I asked for for christmas from Santa *sigh* oh well, I guess Rick just gets to keep it all to himself, huh? What a shame...

Annabeth P.O.V

Percy reached across the small, circular table and grabbed Annabeth’s hand. He smiled at her and she leaned in to kiss him.

It had been the most perfect day followed by a beautiful night.

First Percy had randomly turned up at her door with a bouquet of flowers for her, and when she asked what they were for he simply smiled at her and pulled her out side to Paul’s blue Prius, where he blind folded her and guided her into the car. They drove for what seemed like hours, with Annabeth blindfolded and Percy driving one handed, holding her hand with the other, and drawing small circles on the back of it. When they finally arrived, Percy gently pulled her out of the car and took off her blindfold.

The sight that greeted her was incredible. It was a deserted beach with soft, white sand and a sparkling, deep green ocean that reminded Annabeth of Percy’s eyes. They spent the whole day swimming and running up and down the beach holding hands. Just as Annabeth was starting to get hungry, Percy led her back over to the Prius, thankfully without the blindfold this time, and they drove back into town. Percy parked out the front of a fancy, Italian restaurant, and they ordered dinner, sitting outside at one of the small, circular tables that held pretty, little, fairy light candles.

And that’s where they found themselves now, kissing softly in the soft light cast from the small candles. Percy pulled away, grabbing Annabeth’s hand softly and lifting her from her seat,

“Come on Wise Girl. We should be getting home now, it’s getting late.”

Annabeth nodded and waited as Percy paid the bill. They walked back over to the car hand in hand and Percy opened Annabeth’s door for her, waiting for her to climb in before closing the door and heading over to his side. Once inside, he turned the keys to start the ignition and reversed out of the car park onto the main road.

“Thank you, Percy,” Annabeth said, glancing over at her boyfriend, who looked over as they rolled to a stop at a red light, “for everything today, it was really special”

Percy grinned at her and leaned over the centre console to kiss her.

Annabeth suddenly heard the screeching of tires and felt Percy’s arm wrap around her protectively as she looked up in time to watch a white Holden Ute slam into the driver’s side of the Prius.

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