Part 2

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Percy P.O.V

Percy was really enjoying his day until he got crushed by a Ute. He had heard the tires screech and instinctively reached to protect her from the danger, as another car smashed into his side of the Prius. His window shattered and rained down on Percy as he attempted to shield Annabeth’s body with his own. Annabeth gripped Percy’s arm tightly as they spun across the road and slammed into a tree. The driver’s side again took the brunt of the damage. The impact sent Percy’s head cracking into the windshield, causing a large fracture to spread across the glass. The bonnet crumpled under the jarring impact, crushing Percy’s legs. Percy watched, helplessly, as they glass on the passenger side of the car shattered down onto the unconscious form of Annabeth. Percy struggled to help, but his body wasn’t responding. Soon, as sirens screamed in his ears, Percy swirled into a void of blackness.

Jack P.O.V

Jack jumped out of the ambulance, before it had even stopped at the scene. It was total chaos. There was a white Ute with a caved in bonnet in the middle of the intersection with tire marks following it from the other side of the road. A man was being pulled out of the driver’s seat by a couple of other EMT’s, but other than a couple of bruises, he looked fine, if totally wasted. Over the other side of the road, smashed into a tree was a blue Prius, where some firemen were trying to cut off the doors and were calling over the paramedics. Jack raced over, while the Lights flashed in his eyes, and arrived just as the man in front got the door all the way off. The fireman stepped out of the way so Jack could assess the damage. What he saw shocked him.

The fireman had cut away the driver’s door and the driver was none other than an 18 year old boy. He had slices all over his arms from the shattered windows, and his legs were caught under the crushed front of the car. The boy also had a large cut on his head that went straight to the bone.

Across from him was a girl of around the same age with honey blonde hair. She made it out better than the boy, but was still injured. She, too, had cuts all over her arms and legs, and Jack could hear how laboured her breathing was from the other side of the car. He needed to get these kids out and to the hospital as soon as possible, or they would have no chance.

Jack turned back to the boy and cut off his seat belt, whilst feeling for a pulse. It was there, but it was weak. That’s when Jack noticed that the boy wasn’t breathing

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