official guest.

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(y/ns) pov:

Alastor the radio demon? I haven't heard of a name like that before.
He seemed odd in a way.
the way his voice sounds like a real radio and that he wear alot of red...

I shake is his hand as he shakes mine, the hand contact lasted for 20 seconds and i pull away first from the handshake.
His smile rises on his face more as he fixes his posture and walks around me.

"name is (d/n), and I'm new to hell"

I respond to him, feeling a nervous pit in my stomach as I hold my hand to my chest, I'm starting to get uncomfortable as his red eyes as they gaze into me. And I think he and vaggie sense it becuase as soon as she was by my side he stopped and back away from me by 2 feet.

" What a nice name you have my dear, very interesting indeed, and I see you are already acquainted with Charlies girlfriend!"
He enthusiastically says as he twirls his mic staff and puts the end of it back on the ground.
" Yeah! Wait...girlfriend?" I question as vaggie stares down at alastor, I can tell they don't like each other that much.
As the tention is close, Charlie walks into the lobby and smiles at me before stopping right by alastor.
"Hello d/n)! It's a very nice to meet you! I have some papers I need you to sign for you to be officially living here as a guest at the hotel!" She happily tells me as she motions me to follow her.

As we head into her office I wave goodbye to the group with angel flipping me off jokingly and alastor smiling creepy towards vaggie.

As we are in the office Charlie gives me a packet of papers and motions me to sit down as she starts to speak.

" Okay (d/n) what the packet is for is for you to write the time of death, your birthday and what age you are at death. and how you died!"
She explains as she smiles inncocently as she waves goodbye and closes the door. I guess she wanted to give me some space.
I look down at the packet as i nervously grab the pen from a penholder on her desk and start to write on the paper...

(Hello, I updated my Instagram follow me if you like!

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alastorxreaderxangel dust: The Music Demon.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن