problem 9 I get bullied. a hell of a lot

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problem 9 I get bullied. A hell of a lot

So, guys I'm back. Sorry for not updating in some time. But this is something to Wright about.

So recently I have been bullied. A lot. I've pushed,  and been called God dam names like loser. And you want to know by who?

Riley. I talked about him in a earlier rant. But that ass hole is bullying me again.

So I the other day. I was fed up. I went to my guidance councilors, and told them he was bullying me.

Well, let's say that they had a fit. A verry dramatic one at That. So I left and Mabey 2-3 periods later I was called down to the office. And guess who was their?

Go on guess.

Well if you guessed Riley the ass hole himself then you are 110% correct.

So, he apologized for punching me. But not for calling me a loser,
He claimed he dident even call me one.

Evey one in the room including me looked at him like this.


Like relly???!

Are you kidding me?????

You've been suspended at least 7 fricken times for stuff like this!!!  

And you clam you dident?????

God I was engaged to no end.
But my rage has subsided now. I'm still a bit pissed off.

Oh and one girl that bullied me last year joined my group. (I go to social anxiety group in my school)
And I said hello trying to be nice and she was like" who are you? "
And I was verry pissed because
A) You should remember me from your class last year
How do you not rember that????

So ya. I'm kinda pissed off.
But that's fine it's normal. So I hope you guys enjoyed today's rant.

Sighning off- Samantha <3

a rant about this fucked up lifeWhere stories live. Discover now