Problem 6 school AKA hell at its worst

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Problem 6 school AKA hell at it's worst.

Ok, guys. Today was hell.  Well every day at school is hell 1X worse then the last.

So ya.

But today was like the last straw. First I found out my friend is getting moved to A track science. And I only see my friends in 2 classes. Its the same person. And now I'll only see her once a day. I might not see her at all! And in just so sad. Because I'm lose-ing another friend. And when next year rolls around she won't even remember me.

So that's problem one. Proble two is kids in my classes are jerks and ass holes.

A kid names Riley ( yes it's his real namewas messing with water and it was getting on my stuff. So I asked him to stop and he did. Jk.
He took the water and made a pool of it on my binder. I was so ready to flip out on him. So I took my stuff of the table and put it on the floor next to my chair.

I went to my teacher and told him and he went to Riley and asked if he had anything to say to me. The conversations went like this.


" do you have anything to Say to Samantha? "

Uh, no?

Are you sure?


GO to the principals office now!



But I diden't do anything!!!

So your saying she's lieing?


Samantha are you lieing?

No, sir. If you look at the sink you can clearly see water in it. And I can shoe you the papers he got wet as well.


Conversation end

So ya that's how my eventful day in Hell went. Whoo!

*note the sarcasm*
So ya. Hope you all had a better day then me.

But if you guys want tell me about you days below! I'll listen and give advice if needed or wanted!

- Sighing off Samantha <3

a rant about this fucked up lifeWhere stories live. Discover now