~ chapter twenty three ~

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“What the hell happened last night?”, Tina said confused, as I opened my eyes.

“You harrassed me “, I smirked, pushed her away and went to the kitchen leaving a completely confused Tina behind.

It might be a good idea to make some coffee. It'll be good for the hangover, the three probably have.

Burt stood in front of one of the counters and ate a toast for breakfast.

“Oh good, you woke up before I have to go”, he said, “Could you please tell me, why Tina and Mercedes are here? Or can't you remember anything?”.

“I didn't have one drink, unlike the others, because I was the driver. But Mercedes and Tina were definitely too drunk to get home alone and I didn't know, where they live, so I brought them here", I explained.

Burt nodded in understanding.

I went back into the living room with a cup of black coffee and sat down next to Tina to give her the cup.

“Thanks”, she smiled, “Did I do anything embarrassing last night?”.

“Well, you cried about a guy, you met in the mall, but that's it", I answered.

While she drank her coffee, we talked about the whole party with Burt.

Now he just laughed about the stupid shit, his son and everyone else has done.

It was nice talking to these people.

I felt like I finally had a father figure in my life, that likes me for who I am.

Also all of Kurt's friends seemed very nice and never said a single mean thing to me.

Well, I don't know, what's up with that Sam guy, but he didn't begin a fight, like I would have thought he would, so that's pretty cool.

After a while Burt had to go to work and he decided to bring Tina home, so I went upstairs and looked after Kurt and Mercedes.

“God, I'm a mess", Mercedes groaned, as she saw me in the door frame.

She was sitting in front of a mirror, trying to comb through her hair.

It seemed like a few sticky liquids dried in her hair, which I hadn’t recognized yesterday night. I laughed feeling bad for her.

“Have you seen my shirt?", Kurt asked coming into the room through the bathroom door, without noticing me.

His porcelain skin shimmered in the morning light and his wet hair was pressed to his forehead.

I smirked and kept on staring at the beautiful man. He looked fucking hot.

“Oh, Blaine", he blushed, as his ocean eyes met mine, and I smiled.

“It's on the bed", Mercedes answered definitely laughing at us innerly.

“Thanks", Kurt said without breaking the eye contact, before he approached his bed and put on a red shirt, but combined with the black skinny jeans, he looked absolutely perfect.

“Okay, I'll leave you two alone. I’m visiting my grandma today and I'm already late", she said as a goodbye and headed downstairs.

She hugged Kurt and me quickly and dissapeared behind the next corner.

“We definitely have to talk", Kurt sighed, as he closed the front door.

“I think you should talk to Sam. Do you remember your fight?”, I asked worried. Somehow I didn't want to ruin their relationship.

“Yeah, I started it", he replied confused.

“Good, what do you not remember, though?”, I said sitting down on the couch and facing him again.

“God damn, I remember everything”, Kurt exclaimed loudly, “That's why we have to talk!”.

“Oh, I'm sorry...”, I answered sadly.

Even though it's the least I want, I have to be okay with the fact ,that he probably wants to forget about our kiss last night, and be with Sam.

“Don't be sorry", he yelled.

Why is he so upset?

“Well...”, I began.

“No, listen to me!", Kurt interrupted me frustrated.

“You don't get it. About two weeks ago, Mercedes and I bet, who I am going to choose. At that time I was pretty sure, it would be Sam, but Mercedes thought otherwise . So like three days ago I told her about my feelings for you and that she was right. God, she celebrated so much, that it was nearly annoying”, he explained, “I haven’t had the courage to tell Sam, therefore, I got drunk on the party, which I was forced to go to, to talk with him. He was frustrated and angry, but I think he understood. Our kiss yesterday was inappropriate, I know, but it was real. I wanted to kiss you so bad, and the alcohol in my system encouraged me. I'm sorry about that, though”.

Now I'm even more confused.

He chose me over him. I thought, he just said that, because of the amount of alcohol he had consumed.

Drunk words are maybe true words, after all.

But why would he do that? I treated him so bad, in contrast to Sam.

He moved closer and sat down next to me. Slowly he leaned forward, but I backed away.

“No, wait. If you are telling the truth...”, I began.

“I am, Blaine”, he interrupted me once again.

“Then I want to do this right. Let's go to Breadstix tonight”, I suggested.

“Like a date?”, he asked with a sparkle in his eyes.

“Like a date", I smiled and hugged him tightly.

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