~ chapter fifteen ~

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We bought crackers, bottles of water, chips and other stuff you don't have to refrigerate.

I bought a few things just for me to forget my messy life, like several bottles of the cheapest wine they sold, razors and cigarettes.

I think I looked older with that leather jacket and two guys obviously being in their 20s, otherwise the old lady behind the corner would have asked for my ID and I definitely wouldn't have gotten these things.

"Hey Blaine, I know life ain't easy, but cutting and drinking won't solve your problems, y'know", Wes said worriedly and pat me on the shoulder.

"You don't understand", I answered and took one bottle of wine, opened it and drank three hearty gulps of it.

Then I tore the package of razors open, took one and sighed hesitantly.

Wes and Oliver watched me with widen eyes.

"Don't look at me like that", I exclaimed and pressed the razor to my wrist.

It hurt, but it felt good... in a weird way. I felt alive and worthy.

So I hacked the blade across my skin several times until I saw blood dripping onto the floor.

"Does one of you two have a lighter?", I asked taking one of the cigarettes.

"Have you ever smoked before?", Oliver asked and gave me a small green lighter.

"The proof in the pudding is in the eating, isn't it?", I quote my mother regretting it immediately, lit the cigarette in my left hand and took a drag off it.

"So what's that wrong with your life, that you need a change this big?", Oliver asked.

I looked at him in confusion and sat down on my mattress taking another big hit.

"Being nice sucks", I answered.

"That's right, but what happened?", he carried on.

"Why are you so interested in my life?", I snapped.

"I know, you don't trust us, but you seem like you need someone to talk to", he explained.

I rolled my eyes. He's right though, but do I look that miserable?

"Fine, you're right. I'm kind of hiding my feelings and problems from everybody, because I don't want anyone to bother. It really helps getting along, you know?", I began.

Wes sat down next to me, took two cigarettes out of the packet and gave one of them Oliver, before lighting it.

"Do you really want to hear about my awful past?", I asked hesitantly.

"Of course, silly", Wes replied patting my shoulder.

"Alright, my father thinks homosexuality is an illness and tries to punch it out of me regularly. My bully seems to be interested in me, although he and his friends bully me because I'm gay, I think, and used me to get information about our competitors through my, well now, ex-boyfriend, who broke up with me, because I ignored him for a week. And I did that, because I didn't want to lie to him or to get more knowledge about our competitors", I tried to explain.

"Well, that's confusing, man", Oliver said, "How long were you too together?".

"Just one week, during which I totally messed up", I replied, while my eyes were watering.


The rest of the day went by in silence and with me laying on the mattress and staring at the landscape in front of the supermarket through the big glass door.

My thoughts kept wandering to Kurt, that beautiful boy that had saved me.

And I was so selfish and let him go. I should have fought for him, chased after him that day or simply tell him how I really feel.

But no, I decided to run away and now there's no going back.

Once the sun began to disappear behind the huge spruces, I stood up and got some crackers as dinner.

"We almost spend my entire money today", I noticed loudly, while I sat down next to Wes.

"No problem, I've stolen before", Oliver declared.

I shrugged my shoulders with a forced smile and continued eating the dry crackers.

I realized how close I was to Wes. Our shoulders even touched, but he obviously didn't mind. That was the first time I watched him more precisely.

He had beautiful brown hair and blue eyes. Almost like Kurt. The picture of the pretty boy came into my mind directly.

"Like what you're seeing?", Wes asked with a teasing smile, as he noticed my stare.

I looked away quickly, blushing a little bit. But Wes leaned forward until his mouth was just a few inches away from my right ear.

"I'm bi. Just if you need some distraction", he whispered giving me goosebumps.

At first I stared at him confused, but after thinking for a while, I smiled back at him as a permission.

We broke up. It's over. Why shouldn't I have the chance to move on?


This night I couldn't sleep.

Every time I closed my eyes, pictures of a disappointed Kurt crossed my mind.

I was sick of it. Why am I thinking of him that much? I hate it, I hate myself for it.

Therefore, I stood up and went searching for the bottles of wine I had bought earlier, just to forget.

Finally, I found them in one of the grocery bags, opened one of them and took a firm gulp.

"You can't sleep?", a voice behind me whispered.

Quickly I looked over my shoulder and faced Wes standing with a lit cigarette between his teeth.

"Well, I'm obviously not the only one", I answered and leaned against the wall dropping down.

"Wanna share?", he questioned pointing to the bottle in my hand, as he sat down next to me on the floor. I nodded and gave it to him.

"What's on your mind?", he asked after a few minutes of silence.

"What do you mean?", I replied confused.

"You can't sleep. So something or especially someone must be on your mind", he carried on.

I remained silent. I don't want to speak about Kurt, especially not to him. He's obviously kind of interested in me, however, and I personally think he's cute, as well.

"It's him, isn't it?", he tried once again.

Instead of an answer I just leaned forward and kissed him on the mouth.

He took my hips to pull me closer to his body and I wrapped my arms around his neck, as we deepened the kiss.

He slightly parted his lips and I took the permission to explore his mouth with my tongue.

His lips were so warm and soft, I didn't want to stop.

And then I realized. Wes was right. This is really a great distraction from my messed-up life.

After a few minutes, that flew by so quickly, it could have been a few seconds, he pushed forward, so that I was laying on the bare floor with him on top of me.

The floor was cold and uncomfortable, but I forgot about that part, when Wes' lips gravitated towards mine.

But nothing else happened that night.

It was enough to feel his lips pressed to mine, to feel his body warming me, just to feel like I'm not alone.

The Boy Who Saved Me | A Klaine Fanfiction (Glee)Where stories live. Discover now