~ chapter nineteen ~

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I looked at the ground in embarrassment.

“It's probably for the best, sir", I whispered.

“I don't think so. Come sit down and tell me what's going on”, he offered.

Although it should be an offer, it sounded more like an order, and it scared me a little bit.

What does he mean with ‘telling me what's going on'? Does he wants to know about my relationship with Kurt or did Kurt tell him about my disappearance?

I couldn't decide which option was more likely to be the truth, so I just stayed silent approaching the dining table and sitting down on one of the chairs.

“Kurt told me, that you didn't perform at that show choir competition and that two of your friends told him, that you didn't show up to school", he began after several minutes of silence, “And now you're suddenly standing in my house again. How come?”.

“I want to finish school, that's why I'm back", I answered calmly.

“How did you find Kurt?”, he asked confused.

“I didn't. He found me. I just settled down on a bench and he walked by with a few friends. It turned out I was sitting right in front of your house, sir", I explained making eye contact with him for the first time this morning.

“Why in the living hell would you sit at a random bench at night?”, he asked even more confused.

He paused and gasped quickly, as he saw my worried look.

“Does it have something to do with your black eye?”, he went on asking.

I don't want to answer. I want to answer. But I don't want to. God, why can't I have two agreeing organs?

“I can't tell you, sir", I replied hearing my brain cheering.

“I think you have to actually", Burt said with a louder but worried voice.

"But please, don't tell anybody", I begged.

As he nodded, I began to explain.

“After Kurt and I broke up, I couldn't think straight anymore. I just wanted to run away and never look back, because I felt so embarrassed and worthless. So I did. But two people welcomed me very nicely and I spent the last weeks with them”.

I didn't want to tell him the whole truth about Wes and Oliver and why I came back eventually. So I went on.

“Well, I wanted to finish school and I thought it might be a good time to come back and talk to the principal about my graduation, because I've missed important tests and stuff. But when I came home, my father wasn't that glad to see me". I pointed to the black eye."

He threw me out of the house, as well”, I finished.

“Sorry, but I think I will have to talk to the police about your father”, he answered.

“No, no, sir, it's alright. Please don't do it. It would break my mom’s heart, and I couldn't handle being the responsible for that”, I requested begging.

“Maybe for now, I won't. But you have to promise me one thing", he said waiting for my nod, “You’re staying here, so I can lay my eyes on you".

Did he just- ?

“Oh my god, of course, sir", I gasped in amazement.

“You're talking to the principal today?”, he asked smiling.

“That was my plan. The money for the private school has  already been paid for the rest of the year, as far as I know. And I can help clean the house, so I won't be completely useless ", I exclaimed joyfully.

“Wait, you're staying?”, I heard the soft voice of Kurt saying behind of me.

I turned around to face a pale Kurt standing on the stairs. I couldn't read his expression, so the smile on my face went away.

“Just if it's okay for you", I said insecurely.

“No, of course, it's okay. Where is he going to sleep though?”, he replied immediately turning to his father.

“Maybe on your couch?”, Burt answered short giving his attention to the cup of coffee in front of him.

“Alright, I think", Kurt said hesitantly, “I have to go to school, bye".

As he closed the door, several thoughts came to my mind. He really doesn't want me to stay. But why? Because I'm his ex? He's dating someone else, why would he be bothered?

I ran out of the door and followed him.

“Wait!”, I screamed before he had started the engine of his car, and I jumped into the passenger's seat.

“I think, we should talk", I said being out of breath.

“Yeah, I know", he sighed, “But I have to go now if I don't want to be late for school".

“We can talk on the way to your high school. Can I borrow your car? I have to go to Dalton today", I asked.

“Then you have to pick me up at 3 PM”, he answered, driving off the driveway.

I nodded and stood silent to let him begin with the talking.

“Can I be honest with you?”, he began keeping his eyes on the street.

“Of course", I whispered terrified by what will come next.

“The reason, why I reacted like that, is, that I realized last night that I really like you...”, he admitted, “...still really like you”.

He paused for a moment to focus on a few children crossing the street.

“But it's not fair towards Sam. I really like him, as well, and he was there, when you left. Honestly, I'm just confused", he went on, “And of course, I like it when you're around, but I don't know, if I can think straight with you sleeping in the same room. It's confusing".

Wow, he still likes me. But he doesn't want to be with me, for now.

My heart jumped in excitement.

“Well, honestly I feel the same way about you, Kurt", I broke the silence after a few minutes, “But if you need time to think, I'll sleep in the living room, if that's okay", I suggested.

“That's a great idea", Kurt replied and drove into the parking lot of the McKinley High School.

“See you at 3 PM", he said as a quick goodbye and sprinted towards the building.

I slid onto the driver's seat and turned the key, which Kurt had left in the car.

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