Maze of Thorns

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Apple cautiously entered the maze, taking in every detail. The wall were made out do pitch black thorns, their ends glinting in the little light that was available. A thick fog covered the floor, making it impossible for Apple to see what she was treading on. It seemed to get colder the more Apple progressed in the maze. She tried to memorised her steps in case she needed to get out.
Right. Left. Left again. Middle of a fork. Right. Right. Right. Left. Left in a fork. Right. Apple wasn't sure how long she had been walking as all sense of time seemed to have vanished as soon as she had entered. She sighed as she turned out of yet another dead end. She found herself face to face with......well she didn't no what it was.

It had two sets of arms, each ending with two, sharp claws and six sets of legs. It's tail was four metres long and had deadly spikes protruding out of the end. There were two devil-like horns on its head, it's five yellow eyes were set on Apple. It's whole body was covered in some sort of grey plated armour. It let out an ear-piercing shriek.

Apple slowly backed away only to feel the prickles of wall behind her. She pushed so hard against them that they pierced her skin, allowing blood to slowly trickle down her face, arms and legs. The creature lunged towards Apple, it's mouth wide open revealing five sets of razor-sharp teeth. Apple jumped out of the way just in time as the beast fell face first, reducing the thorn wall to nothing more than a small pile. Unfortunately the thorns weren't able to pierce it's thick skin, leaving it unharmed. Apple took this opportunity to run, trying to leave as much space as possible between her and the ugly beast. She turned corner after corner not caring where she going. The thunderous footsteps behind her told her that the monster was close on her tail.
Left. Left. Right. Middle fork. Left. Left. Right.

Apple quickened her pace as it gained on her. It tried lunging for her again, but Apple was too quick so this on resulted on the beast falling to the ground.
Right. Right. Left. Left. Left. Right of a fork. Right. Right. Left.
Apple was beginning to loose hope. She couldn't keep running forever and that thing didn't show any sign of stopping. Sweat poured down Apple's face. It was getting hotter. A lot hotter. There was a red, fiery glow up ahead. Apple stopped just in time, but the creature was so focused on Apple didn't notice until it was too late. It went flying into the great pit of lava. It shrieked out in pain as it started to burn alive. Slowly it started sinking as the flames engulfed it. Within seconds the only thing left was a few bubbles.

Apple stood panting, not believing what she had just witnessed. She brushed her hair out of her eyes to find it mattered together by blood and perspiration. Grateful to be alive. She sat down and started tending to her wounds. Apple always carried a first-aid kit around with her. Some prickles were embedded in her skin, making it nearly impossible to get them out. She got up and continued her way to the centre of the maze.

Apple hadn't been walking for long when the thorn walls started caving in. Slowly at first, you could tell that they were moving unless you stared at them for long enough, and then faster and faster. Apple spun around as she heard the rustling of leaves to find the thorns falling on top of each other. In a split second Apple was off running again. She was sure that if she has waited just a second longer she would have been buried alive. The thorns seemed to come to life. As the thorns started collapsing in front of her she took a sharp left. She kept running and running. Then she stopped. Where there used to be a path ahead of her now was just a thorn wall with a gap that was shrinking by the minute. Apple braced herself as she squeezed in. Thorns got caught in her hair, clothes and any skin that wasn't protected. She had to cover her face to ensure that the thorns would get to her eyes. The path behind her closed up. There was only one way to go now. Forward.

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