Chapter 10

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Y/n POV~

'Did i do something wrong?' I thought to myself watching the angry wing spiker walk away. I stood in shook at his sudden action made me a bit agitated. I felt two big hands cover my eyes which startled me to hit him in the stomach. I looked down at the beaten read head.
"Tendou-YOU SCARED ME!!" i yelled at him
"Im sorry i was just going to suprise you. Your strong by the way" I watched him get up and rub his stomach
"We should go head for breakfast....sorry for hitting you" i apologized and bowed
" Ahh its fine, couldve been worst i would've thrown up" he joked. "Oh y/n
-chan i think im dying oh what a cruel world we live in" he dramatically fell onto my back.
"TENDOU YOUR TO HEAVY!" i ended uo being crushed by his weight
"Tendou stop harrassing this poor girl" a boy with a odd shaped bangs said
"Shirabu i think i actually killed her!" I got up and smacked the back of his head
"Im not dead...yet, your gonna be the death of me. Just for that carry me to the cafeteria" He crouched down and I hopped on his back wrapping my arms around his neck while the other boy by the name Shirabu walked next to us. On the way their Tendou kept joking hed drop me on "accident" but you felt happier today besides Kyotani being a asshole, I shrugged it off as him in one of his moods.
"So what position do you guys play?" I asked. I havent seen them play yet even if it was just a day being here still i havent
"Im a setter" Shirabu said bluntly
"And immm a middle blocker, the best here!" Tendou chirped. We reached the cafeteria and walked right in. I was still on his back so I got some strange looks but i glared right back. I didnt notice the honey eyes glaring at me in the back. Tendou put me down while we got our breakfast
"Y/n chan come eat breakfast with us!" Tendou says with a dorky smile
"Oh sure Tendou" I walked with him to his team table. We walked to the table and I introduced myself to everyone with a small smile
"Senpai whose the pretty girl" I heard a boy say with a bowl cut
"This is my precious Y/n chan~" he teased
"Tendou we just met yesterday and honestly we didnt even talk" I said sipping my strawberry milk
"So your brother is Oikawa" a boy with olive colored hair asked. I looked up and he had a straight face awaiting my answer
"Last time I checked yeah, hes my stupid ass brother"
"He shouldve cane to Shiratorizawa" The boy bluntly stated
"Pleaseeeee! Take him ill play you" I said half joking. I chuckled to myself a bit. We ate and once I finished I said i should go back to my team. They all nodded and said their byes for now. I walked over to the Aoba Johsai table and went to sit next to Kyotani because hed probably be in a better mood.
"Hi Kyotani, did you have a bad night?" I asked a but of concern
"Can you leave me alone" he growled
"Fine asshole sorry I was concerned" I growled and huffed back to the Shiratorizawa table and sat next to Goshiki.

Kyotani POV~

I watched her being carried by the middle blocker of Shiratorizawa. They were chatting but when I saw she was smiling.....So its him. I watched him walk her back to his table and she waved at all of them before sitting down

So she really just used me huh....bitch

"WHATTTT-" I heard Oikawa yell a but before Iwaizumi hit him on the back if the head. "Ow Iwa-chan that hurt~ But look y/n is socializing~"
"Shes literally with Ushijima Shittykawa. Their probably plotting how to get you to go to Shiratorizawa"
"Dont say that y/n chan would never do that to me but im glad to see her look that way again. I totally forgot how she looked smiling before she went to this.....mood." he hesitantly said mood which made me raise an eye brow. I ignored everyone before I realized it i heard a voice speak to me in a happy tone
"Hi Kyotani, did you have a bad night?" I looked up and saw her but it made me mad with out thinking i growled at her to leave me the fuck alone. She had a pissed off look on her face and growled right back before walking back to the boys she was just converating with.

Days went on till Friday came around, the practice was light and we were on our break. I watched y/n help Iwaizumi stretch his back and legs.

I felt jealous, was that bad of me to feel that way? But it was my fault for pushing her away for already 4 days.

Practice matches went on and we got a break for about 20 minutes or so. As i tried to escape the gym knowing y/n was here made me irritated how she could play me like an idiot. I suddenly felt small hands griping on the collar of my shirt forcing me to the wall with a loud thump. I was shocked as to how much raw strength she had.
"What the fuck is your problem asshole" she said in a cold tone with an even colder glare.

Y/n POV~

Its been 4 days already is he really fucking ignoring me. I dont even know what I did to piss him off like this. The matches went on then all the teams at thier 20 min break, during this time youd try to talk to Kyo before he walked out of the gym to god who knows. I grabbed his collar and threw him against the wall with all the raw strength I had.
"What the fuck is your problem asshole" I coldly said
"Tsk. Nothing just fuck off already" He growled at me pulling my hands away then storming out the gym.
"y/n-chan? Ar-are you okay?" I looked up and saw Goshiki looking down on me with a look of concern
"Im fine Goshi, hes just an asshole" I said still looking at the exit
"D-do you want to join us all the other team are there too?" he said with a stutter. I looked behind me and saw all the other players shiver at my glare

They are scared of me...great

"Sure Goshi" I said with a small smile causing him to blush a little bit. We walked over and I saw all the other teams conversating amongst each other.
"Ayee chibi-chan where did you get all the strength~" I heard kuroo say to me
"Psh~ Like Id tell you my secret" I teased. Everyone seemed off about my change of personality. "Are you guys scared of me?" I bluntly stated
"Well kind of..." I heard Goshi say fiddling with his hands.
"I havent seen that look in a while" Iwaizumi and Oikawa said in unison
"I know thats how you know he pissed me off past my limit, couldve been a lot worst. Obviously youd know by now huh Iwaizumi" I looked at him
"Never again will i go there. I have nightmares"
"oh shut up" I teased at him with a light chuckle
"Oi listen up!" We heard the coaches shout. That was my queue to go with my coach. "We are going to stop today because you guys need a break, go to the city and check out things down here and loosen up. Everyone is very tense and stressed, you are allowed to practice still but dont over work yourseleves. That is all" I checked the time, 12:20 it was still fairly early but everyone was tensed and stressed so this would be good for everyone to loosen up. I realized that today was friday and I had to go to a concert to preform it was fairly close so id be fine on my own.
"Coach!" I shouted running up to him
"Whats up y/n?" he asked
" I have a concert today and I wanted to let you know that id be leavung at 6:30 and id return before curfew" I hesitated a bit
"Oh thats fine, Oikawa alreadly told me about that but be careful"
"I will be sir thank you" I gave him a hug and walked back to my annoying brother. "Im leaving at 6:30 Shittykawa, make sure everyone doesnt kill each other"
"I know and its barely 12:45 can you play a game with us pleaseeeeeee" I looked at the other players and they were all from different teams.
"Hmm I guess since I dont have to get read till 4:30" I saw Kuroo, Tendou, Goshi, Iwaizumi, Oikawa (of course), Kageyama,  Hinata, Bokuto, Akaashi, Tsuki, Ushijima, Shirabu, Kenma, Lev, Nishinoya , Tanaka and Kyotani......

We split off into 9vs9, I had Tendou, Goshi, Kageyama, Ushijima,  Lev, Bokuto, Kenma, Nishinoya and myself.
Oikawa had Kuroo, Iwaizumi, Akaashi, Tsuki, Tanaka, Shirabu, Hinata, and Kyotani.
"Y/n you know how to play???" they all said to me as I was explaining whose going where.
"Yeah im a wing spiker anyways- "
"I assume they just found out her position Iwa-chan "
"Yeah this will be an interesting game considering her and Kyotani are out for blood"

The whistle blew and it was me serving, I went for a jump serve with all the power and anger I had it was in that ball. The other side stood in shock as the ball flew past them hitting the ground.

That spike felt...good. This is going to be a fun game
Sorry for the long ass chapter but also yes Goshiki has a nickname now "Goshi" sounds cute like Yoshi <3

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