Chapter One

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Okay, so Imma start off with a diary thing, so if you guys get confused, ITS JUST A DIARY! Also, This whole book will be ONLY of Winter's POV. I may make a similar books to this one but in someone else's POV instead, so Winter doesn't have to be the main character in it. But in this, it'll only be her POV. Okay?


Every since this rotten hell hole started, eight months ago, I've been alone. Fighting for my life, hoping my brother and friends were alive. And not some fucking, mindless Zombie. I know every part of this once peaceful town of Hope Waters. Because it was once my home.
I always carry my Dagger with me, Wherever I go. Since that's the only weapon I'm specialized in using. I had to fight Zombies left and right, Day after day. It never seems to stop. I couldn't help but wonder if there was any survivors out in this curl world. I haven't seen not one living non-zombie person around since all this started. But of course I wouldn't of notice anything if I was in my treehouse. But....sadly the only thing you heard that day was horrified screaming and yells. Being a wolf, I was sensitive to the screams, but I dealt with it.
These past mouths I observed the Zombies to learn more about them. I found out that if you're bitten it takes about an hour to turn, unless it was a stronger tier zombie. Those only come out at Night though. If you're bitten by one of those it takes less than 30 seconds to turn. I also noticed when people turn there bodies turn into what that persons flaw was. If you was strong like a bull or something like that, you'll turn into one of those high tiers.
If you're an athlete like me, you'll turn into a fast, strong, and skinny one. That's called an, Middle tier.
If you're a lazy sloth then you'll turn into one of the low tiers. Weak and slow. But it also depends on whether or not you're an human or non-human person.
All zombies have weak spots, like for example, one strong blow to the head will end it. Well that's if it's an Low or Middle tier. If it's an Hight tier, then it takes more hits to kill it. Plus there skin is protected by scales of some sort. I've also noticed how sensitive they are to smell and hearing. If you make any noise at all, they'll attack. They depend on their hearing and sense of smell bc they're blind.

  I sighed while closing my notebook and putting it in my large duffel bag, which is full of food, medications, and etc. I looked around, if you was wondering I was in a alley way, hiding from zombies. I slowly got up while pulling my bag up with me. I was wearing a white hoodie and pale blue-jeans. So my long black hair and tail stood out alot.
I sighed once more. It's time to get moving to find a safe place for tonight. It's already fixing to be SunSet. I slowly walked out of the Alley way, cautious of Zombies as I did so. I saw a couple of Zombies standing not far from where I was. Oh I forgot to mention, You can tell who the Zombies once were bc they take some form of the person they once was. I need to be careful if I don't want them to hear me. I looked around and in the distance I saw a small group of people walking this way, I seem to realize that they didn't see the Zombies yet.

"Com'on, Kai! Can't you use your wings to get us food instead of walking and risking our lives to get some!?" A cat boy with Black and White hair hissed to a Tall, black-red hair demon boy. Hm, I haven't seen a demon in forever. He might just be the last of his kind bc of these fucking Zombies.

"Be Quiet, Hunter! We don't want Zombies hearing us!" A tall dirty pale blonde cat girl hissed/whispered to the shorter boy, whom I assume was Hunter. The demon boy, then spotted the Zombies that was near and quickly shh'ed his companions while pointing towards the Zombies. He was holding a bat with niles all in it. A strong weapon he got there. Out of the Blue, ten more Zombies appeared near the other two. But one of them must of heard Hunter gasped loudly but was soon shut upped by the girl. My eyes widen as I saw one of them running top speed towards the small group. Three against twelve isn't good. The other Zombies soon followed after the fast running one. Just before it got to them, I leaped out in front of them with my Dagger in my hand, stopping the Zombie in its tracks, Dead. It was just close enough to leap at one of them to bite. Them idiots didn't seem to realize how fast that Zombie was. It was sure enough a Middle tier. I saw only three other Middle tiers in that group there, the rest was Low tiers. The Middle tiers were running towards me and the people behind me.

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