Chapter 5

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We are now 16. I still never had a boyfriend, but Austin, on the other hand, has had multiple girls fall for him, but he never fell for anyone. I asked him why one day at lunch, and he said, "I just haven't found someone who caught my eye. All the girls who have asked me out are all very pretty, but they all are the same. I want someone who is different. Someone who stands out, who catches my eye." "I get that." I replied. "Well, what about you?" I chuckled. "What do you mean?" I asked, surprised. "You know, why have you never had a boyfriend." He asked. "No one notices me. No one cares about me in that way. I'm just there, I don't stand out." I answered briefly.

"You are noticed. I can tell. Well, on a side note, those nuggets were really good. I'm going to go get some more. Want some?" Austin asked. "Sure." I smiled. I sat at the lunch table and waited for Austin to come back, when someone tapped me on the shoulder.

"Well if it isn't Peppa Pig." I heard behind me in a familiar, snarky tone. I turned around and got disappointed when I saw, "Hi Scarlett. How lovely it is for you to bring up good times. You know, the last time we saw each other, didn't you fall down that hill and got named Tumbleweed?" I retorted. Ah, Scarlett Thomson. My secret bully since 6th grade. Austin doesn't know she is my bully because she either does it when I'm alone, or acts like we are long, lost friends when Austin walks up on us. I never really bothered telling him because her comments didn't really affect me. I got the name Peppa Pig from when I was in P.E. and was panting so hard, I snorted and was as pink as Peppa.

Scarlett scoffed at my comment. "That was a long time ago-" I interrupted her. "Yes, but so was the original nickname 'Peppa Pig', and yet you still call me that every day." I said, mocking innocence. Scarlett stammered at a loss for words. Then, suddenly hugged me. Austin's back. I thought. I pulled away and turned around, seeing Austin returning to his seat next to me. "Hey Scarlett." Austin greeted. "Hi Austin!" She said, smiling. I glanced at Austin and saw a different look in his eyes. Not one of disgust or dullness, but a look of pleasure, like she was a sight for sore eyes.

No. Way. A lightbulb moment came upon me. Austin is crushing on Scarlett. SCARLETT. Of all people! I exclaimed in my head. I watched her walk off, flipping her hair over her shoulders.

"Aw! You finally found that person who catches your eye!" I told him excitedly. He laughed and playfully shoved me. "What are you talking about? It's just Scarlett." He said, a little bit embarrassed. "Oh come on!" I exclaimed, but not too loudly, of course. "I saw that look in your eye. You like Scarlett!" I revealed to him, like he didn't already know. "Okay, fine. I do like Scarlett." He surrendered his act. He noticed my faded conflicted expression, "What's wrong?" He asked.

I gave up covering for her. Why was I even doing that? I asked myself. "Alright, don't get mad, but Scarlett is kinda my sworn enemy. She tries to bully me, but since I didn't care about what she was saying, I didn't really think it was a big deal, so I didn't tell you. I'm sorry." I explained. "It's okay." Austin said. I thanked him, and we played around and joked for the rest of the lunch period.

The next day, after third period, Austin and I were talking by my locker, when he confessed something. "So, Scarlett is in my second period, and she kinda asked me out." He hesitantly told me. "What? That's amazing!" I told him. "Thanks, but I didn't exactly give her an answer yet." I looked at him questioningly. "What do you mean? Don't you like her?" "Yes, I do, but I don't know how I feel dating your sworn enemy," replied Austin. "Aw, Austin. That's sweet," I smiled, "but don't make decisions that affects your future just thinking of me. I will support you in everything you choose to do. You do what you want to do." "Thanks Marie. The truth is, I really like her, so thank you for supporting me." Austin said. He sounded so genuine and grateful, I couldn't help but smile. "No problem, anytime."

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