Chapter 10

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A couple days have gone by since that night and everyone seemed to have moved on. Austin has been looking happier day after day. I pretty much stayed the same but didn't tell anyone because I didn't want to be a burden on anyone especially since everyone is moving on.

I skipped out on lunch because I wasn't feeling hungry enough. I was hanging out at the school's main stairwell scrolling through my social medias. I look up to see if lunch has ended yet and I see in the corner of my eye a pair of feet standing beside me. I look up to see who is was and the moment I saw the face I stood up and walked off but the person stopped me.

"Listen, can we please talk?"

"No, Nick. There is nothing to be said."

"Please Marie."

"Fine. Why did you do it?"

"Oh, we're starting with that. Ok, um I..."

"Let me guess, you didn't think it counted?"

"I mean, yeah."

"Could you be more stupid?" I threw my hands up in the air. "Of course kissing someone else OTHER than your girlfriend is cheating!"

"Alright fine. I didn't think it counted because you were... a dare."

"What do you mean?"

"I got dared to ask out the weirdest kid in school and stay with them for 6 months."

"Wow, so you don't think of me as beautiful or amazing. You think of me as the biggest loser weirdo in the school?"

"No! Not now anyways. At the beginning yeah I did but now I see you in a whole different light."

"I don't care about what light I'm in. Why did you do it with Scarlett? Of all people!"

"Because she was right there and I-I wanted a change! Ok? I wanted a change."

"Look if you wanted a break from me then you could've just told me."

"No I couldn't because if I did, then I would've failed the dare, and they said if I fail the dare then they will make sure I don't ever have an ounce of popularity ever again."

"Who cares how much popularity you have?! It is so much easier being a loser and knowing who my real friends are then being popular and being surrounded with fakes!"

"You don't understand Marie!"

"No, I understand perfectly," I said fuming. "You only care about what others think of you and it hurts other people in the process!"

"Look! I'm sorry-"

"No, you're not. If you were, then you wouldn't be coming up with these sorry excuses! Do you know what y'all put my family through? And Austin's? My little brother had to hear that I got cheated on at FIVE YEARS OLD! No five-year-old should be told that! My brother almost had an anger outburst! And not to mention my mom! Or Austin! I spent literally all night comforting everyone. I got zero sleep. You put our families into so much hurt that they never deserved." I never felt more angry in my life.

"How did it affect your families? I only cheated on you."

"Because we are all one big family, and when one of us gets hurt, we all feel the pain. And to double that pain, it hurts us all, not just me and Austin."


"There's nothing more to be said Nick. You cheated on me because I'm a dare, you only care about what other people think, and you put two families into undeserving pain. I think that just about covers it." I said angrily then walked away, leaving him there staring.

I walk to the locker room to get changed for gym class early while the other students were finishing their lunch. The door to the locker room was locked, however, so I just waited outside the door instead. Leaning against the wall opposite the one with the door to the locker room, I pulled out my phone and I see a text message from Scarlett. I thought I blocked her. Whatever. I shook my head and opened the notification.

Hey Marie. I know things are bad between us but can we please talk? Meet me at the main stairwell. Thanks.

I contemplated actually going, and decided for it. My curiosity was overpowering.

I walk over to the main stairwell and spotting Scarlett. She has an unreadable face, not having any expression or emotion showing.

"Thank you for meeting with me."

"Don't be so formal. We're in high school, there's no need. So, what do you want?"

"I just want to say I'm sorry. I never should've let him kiss me and I never should've bullied you. It's just-"

"Let me stop you right there," I said holding my hand in front of me, "I don't need an explanation from you. I don't care if you bully me, I'm used to it. But don't be saying all this to me when Austin is the one you cheated on."

"Yes but I was the one Nick cheated on you with!"

"And that was his mistake but it doesn't mean I need an explanation from you. Talk to him about it and just leave me alone."

"I tried but he avoided me at all costs."

"If you're really sorry, you would try more than once to apologize. Now please leave me alone."

I sigh then walk away.

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