Chapter 9

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Having trouble seeing through the tears, I blinked a couple times and they all drained. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I mean, I did in a way, but I didn't want to. I saw Nick with some other girl that I couldn't fully recognize. But she was leaning against the lockers and Nick was kissing her, passionately. As I walked closer I could make out the face of the girl. No way. "Nick?! Scarlett?!"

They pulled away instantly. Nick rubbed his neck and walked towards me cautiously. "Ok, baby I know what it looks like but I swear, it's not it. "Stop lying Nick. And Scarlett," I turned to her, "W-" Nick interrupted me. "Leave Scarlett out of this. It's all me." "No! I'm not just 'leave her out of this'", I air-quoted, "Scarlett, you are dating Austin!" Nick put his hand up. "Look can we please talk about this?" I stepped back. "No. I don't want to talk to you, ever again!" I turned around and ran off. I hid behind a wall and sat, drawing my knees to my chest, crossing my arms on my knees and resting my head on them, and silently cried.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Marie? Are you ok?" I heard a familiar voice say, very concerned. I looked up and saw Austin. He helped me stand up and wiped a tear off my face.

"What happened?"

"I should've listened to you."

"What are you talking about?"

"About Nick. I was going to my locker and I saw him..." I trailed off. I looked down, trying to avoid getting stared at. He immediately hugged me.

"Oh Marie, I am so sorry!"

I wrapped my arms around him lightly, then tears started falling again and I hugged him tighter. He pulled away and lifted my head, wiped away my tears and moved my bangs out of my face.

"It's ok." I said blankly.

"No it's not, and that's ok right now. Do you mind telling me what happened exactly?"

I hesitated. I wanted to tell him everything but I didn't want to tell him that my boyfriend was cheating on me with his girlfriend.

"2nd period turned into a free period for me, so I went to my locker to put my textbook in there so I don't have to carry it and when I turned the corner I saw him kissing a girl against my locker. But it was passionate."

I looked up at Austin and saw anger in his eyes.

"I told you I'd be here if it happened. So, I'm keeping my promise." He said, fighting back his anger.

"There's something else Austin."


I looked him straight in the eyes.

"What happened?" He pressed on.

"The girl Nick was kissing was..." I paused, nervous about his reaction. "Scarlett."

He stepped back. "Wait what?"

"Austin, I'm so sorry." I went in for a hug, but he took a step back, pushing me away.

I saw him tearing up and I knew he doesn't like anyone at all seeing him cry, not even me. He shook his head and walked off, leaving me standing there worried.

After school I got home and went straight up to my room and set my bag under my desk. I hurried back downstairs and out the door but before I could get out, Mom called to me.

"Marie, my love, I didn't know you came home. Why didn't you say hello?"

"Sorry Mom but I really need to go to Austin's."

"Is everything okay?"

"Not right now, no but that's why I'm heading to his house to try and fix it."

Foreverजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें