Chapter 37:

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"... Haechan."

Renjun called Haechan as he came forward to see what was happening in the mirror shards. Out of all seven mirror shards, Mark was never in one of them. Haechan frowned, checking the mirror shards once again before asking Renjun what was wrong.

Renjun couldn't literally find Mark.

"I can't find Mark everywhere..."
"... What? Aren't the shards supposed to... I don't know? Make you see something?"
"... Well, these shards are actually supposed to do that but if we can't find Mark using these then... Mark must be in a place where the sunlight can't pass through."

Renjun says as Haechan sighed, massaging his temples from the frustration. Where could Mark be? Where did he go?

Renjun tried to think harder because he wanted to figure out where Mark was. Since Renjun was turning weaker everyday, he almost collapsed on the ground as Haechan immediately noticed it. Renjun frowns and squints, not seeing his surroundings clearly as Haechan helped him stand up properly.

Renjun was too stubborn to tell them what he's currently experiencing as it even tires him out.

He didn't want his health to get in the way of Haechan's fight against Jisung.

"Renjun, are you alright?"
"I'm fine, Haechan- Ow."

Renjun winces in pain, his whole body aching even more. Haechan carries Renjun himself, bringing him to his bedroom as he covers Renjun with blankets. Haechan exits Renjun's room only to return with a cup of water in his hands.

Haechan was worried about what was happening to Renjun.

"... What's going on, Renjun?"
"... I can't tell you, Haechan-"
"Are you sick?"
"... I guess I'll go with that instead."
"You should rest, Renjun... Don't worry, I'll handle the rest about Mark's sudden disappearance. You have to rest now."

Haechan reminds Renjun as he nodded, lying down on his bed as he felt too weak to even respond by talking. Haechan goes to the living room, spending a quiet time with himself to think about where Mark could possibly be. Haechan had thoughts of Mark dying but he chose not to believe those thoughts completely.

But it was possible that Mark must've been gone since he couldn't even be found in the mirror shards.

Where does light not pass through? Soil.

"... Snap out of it, Haechan!"

Haechan yelled at himself, reminding him to not think about Mark's situation in that way. Haechan ruffles his hair, frustrated at solving the situation and annoyed at himself for thinking about Mark's possible death. Then, Haechan realized that Jisung must've something to Mark.

He definitely assumed that Jisung must've been keeping Mark in a place where there's no light.

But before Haechan jumped into conclusions, he planned to search for Mark the whole day. Of course, he never told anyone about his plan once again because he's stubborn and he hates having to explain to people what he's about to do since he only makes the right choices.

Haechan goes out and walks the roads of the kingdom, feeling the heat of the sun once again as he looks for Mark.

This was also the day Haechan learned how to casually approach people he didn't know.

"Excuse me but have you seen a fair-skinned man who has a small nose, has round eyes, has black hair, wears a white shirt, and also is as tall as I am?"
"No. Sorry... What's his name?"
"Mark. His name is Mark."
"Sorry, I don't know him but I'll tell you if I find him-"

Haechan already went searching for Mark, not letting the citizen finish her sentence. Haechan went to places where light most likely didn't pass through. He even went to a closed club full of women dancing sensually for men.

He was definitely uncomfortable with what he had seen but it didn't stop him from asking a woman, who was dancing on his lap, if she had seen Mark.

"... Have you seen a fair-skinned man who has a small nose, has round eyes, has black hair, wears a white shirt, and probably as tall as me?"
"No? I'm sorry but may I ask why you're in this closed club to search for him?"
"... Sorry, I'll leave."

Haechan was too awkward but he didn't really pay for anything at all since he didn't even drink something in there. The woman was surprised with how Haechan wasn't even turned on from the sensual dancing she offered him and how he even casually exited the room. Haechan went outside of the club as he still looked for places where light wouldn't pass through.

He looked everywhere, not even seeing where Mark was.

Haechan sighed, entering a fancy restaurant as he sat on the chair and rested for a bit. During his time at the restaurant, he thought about the other places where Mark could possibly be at. Some people looked at Haechan oddly, a part of them feeling that his face was a little familiar.

It was a great thing Haechan destroyed the vacant wall where his painting was hanging at.

Nobody remembered who he was at all.

Haechan crosses his legs, massaging his temples from the never-ending frustration and thinking. Then, he realized that it was time for him to pay Jisung a "visit". He gets up from the chair he was sitting at as he exits the restaurant, walking quickly to where his last destination was.

That was, of course, the palace.

He walks into the heat, not sweating one bit because of his body being always cold. He, although, felt how hot it was to be walking into a road full of people which was something he doesn't do very often. He pauses before he loudly hits the gates of the palace, expressing how mad he is at Jisung.

"Sir, who are you?-"
"Shut up. You already know who I am so let me see that monster you call a king."

Haechan threatened as the knight started pushing Haechan away, which caused Haechan to riot. Haechan started freezing everything he touches, including the gates as he cracks the lock open. More knights arrived to push Haechan away from the palace.

"Let me see that monster- Jisung! Show your damn self! I know Mark is in there!"

Haechan yelled from afar, pushing the knights away at the same time. As Haechan suffered from the chaos that was happening outside, Jisung was too busy in making Mark suffer both emotionally and physically. Jisung was literally kissing Mark repeatedly and then hitting him, telling Mark that he's such a "cheater" or such a "good listener".

The cycle of those things he does to him made Mark feel so unsettled and so uncomfortable.

Mark has never felt so used and so disrespected like this.

"Your majesty, Haechan is outside."

Mark was alarmed as Jisung scoffed at how Mark "depended" his life on Haechan.

"That bastard is out there? I'll be there after I finish giving this little mutt some fun."

Jisung replies as he looks back at Mark, who was already crying because he wanted to see Haechan. Jisung grips Mark's jaw, making Mark look at him only. Jisung must've developed an obsession... towards Mark.

"You stay here. I'm not letting you out until you die."
"... P-Please... I just want to see Haechan-"

Jisung pressed his lips against Mark's once again, giving him a sloppy kiss. After that, Jisung slaps him again with the back of his hand.

"You don't get to see your happiness, alright? I'm the one you should see only."

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