Chapter 25:

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"Why does it have to be so hot in here?"

Haechan mumbles under his breath, annoyed at the heat that was basically about to melt him to death. He didn't usually experience this intense heat before since his curse was just growing but now he feels everything. He can feel pain, he can feel happiness, he can feel sadness, and he can feel every emotion.

But what is he missing? Love.

Not Mark's love or anyone's love at all. He's missing his love for himself. That's why he can't remember his old self because he doesn't even love himself now.

Haechan was known to be selfish, reckless, and surprisingly reserved during those times that he wasn't improving despite his efforts to "self-medicate".

He walked around the kingdom, confused at how his father and Jisung raised the people. He observed everyone during his walk and he knew only two things about them. First, some of them were very rich. Second, a lot of them were in need.

Those people who were in need are most likely getting punished and humiliated in public by knights.

Haechan felt sorry for them. He thought that it was all his fault again. Haechan assumed that if he just didn't care about his curse, he would've ruled the kingdom by now and no one would be in this type of situation. Haechan knew he had a lot of plans for his return to the kingdom but it had already been five years and he never became king.

As Haechan walked, he bumped into a stranger wearing formal attire that was only worn by... kings.


The stranger rudely expressed as Haechan knew it was him. He bumped into his half-brother and he didn't know that even in public, he can be that rude. Jisung stood up straight, looking at Haechan as he observed how his appearance looked like. Luckily, Jisung didn't know how Haechan's current appearance looked like.

He didn't recognize him at all even though Haechan's the one who he has been planning to kill.

"Watch your back."

Jisung says as he walks with the knights. They were having a morning walk to check the citizens' situations that include family, money, and basically their whole lives. As Jisung finally turned his back at him, Haechan walked in the other direction all by himself again.

"Maybe you should watch yours, your highness."

Haechan was so close to just hitting Jisung's head at that moment but he chose not to as it would mess up his plan. He was just minding his own business until a hand literally grabs his shoulder, forcing him to look at the person.

Great. It was Mark.

"How did you find me?!"
"That doesn't matter now. We have to talk."

Mark's tone was so stern and cold that it made Haechan feel scared of Mark for the first time. Mark grabbed Haechan's arm, forcing him to walk with him out of the kingdom as he knew that it was dangerous. Haechan, however, didn't turn stubborn for once and actually let Mark get mad at him.

Haechan knew that Mark will get mad at him for doing this but at this point, no one can really stop him because his frustration drives him to do this.

The two were literally worried for Haechan's safety but Haechan was a bit annoyed that Mark came to "save him". Mark was so worried that he's actually mad at Haechan for the first time. Mark knew that he won't let this type of attitude past him.

They exited the kingdom as they walked to a vacant space with no one around just so they could talk privately.

"What were you thinking?!"
"I'm thinking about saving you and everyone, Mark. Can't I just do this alone?!-"
"This CAN get you killed, Haechan. How many times do I have to tell you that you have people who love you now? How many times do I have to prove to you that the people around the palace do care about you? How many times do I have to make you believe that I will not leave you... ever again... and that you won't fight alone?"

Haechan was startled at how Mark let out his frustration at him without even insulting him. Mark still loves Haechan and he wouldn't just let go of everything they had even if Haechan ended their perfect and beautiful relationship. Mark is literally sinking in his love for Haechan.

Of course Haechan still loves Mark but he wants him to stay out of his battle because he doesn't want to be the reason for Mark's possible death since the only thing he knows about Jisung is that he's a bloodthirsty murderer.

"... Yes. I may seem weak because I'm still in love with you even after you ended the relationship... but this includes your life, Haechan. Death and life shouldn't be played like games... Please listen to me especially now that all of our lives can be put to danger."

Haechan still couldn't answer as he couldn't believe that someone like Mark will still stand by him after everything he has done to him. Haechan broke Mark's heart but Mark knew that even if their relationship just lasted for a very short period of time, they were still destined to meet again. Mark hopes that they will end up together even if it happens in the next life.

Of course Haechan thought of just getting back together and forgetting everything that happened before he ended the relationship but he loves Mark so much that he wants to push him away so that he stays alive.

"What did you plan earlier?"
"... Something that will keep you all safe."

Haechan responds as they finally make their way to the abandoned kingdom. When Renjun saw Haechan, he almost hit him with his shoe. Renjun was really annoyed and disappointed with how Haechan just left without telling anyone of them about his plan.

Renjun even wondered if Haechan has a BACK-UP PLAN which Haechan most likely didn't have at all.

"Are you crazy?! You really want to die?! What about us?! If you die, do you think we'll just get over it without feeling like we did nothing at all?!"
"... I apologize for my actions... I only did it to-"
"To protect us? Really, huh? Haechan, I am just healing from the pain since half of my golden aura WAS STOLEN. If I get back to my normal state, I WILL PROTECT YOU EVEN IF YOU DON'T WANT ME TO. That is my duty to the royalty, Haechan. Don't you goddamn question me, my plans, and my ways of protecting every single one of you. Do you understand?"

Renjun was about to burst into flames as Haechan felt really guilty about what he did. He noticed how this situation affected Renjun's life and he was pretty sure that Renjun worked alone and that he really worked hard to protect him.

"I'm sorry, Renjun. I really didn't mean to hurt you like this."
"... Don't worry, it's fine. Just don't get caught- Oh, god. This is the first time I've ever felt so much rush of feelings at the same time... It just- This is really affecting me badly since I haven't... worked with anyone else in situations like this from the past... centuries but... I'm sorry for being rude, Haechan. Just know that I just want the best for everyone."

Renjun says as Haechan nods, fully understanding how Renjun felt.

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