Chapter 3

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Alice had a big hat on and watering her flowers. "Alice!" A familiar voice called. She looked up to see Hatter. "Alice!" He called when he got up to her. "Hatter?" She asked. "How'd you get here?" She asked hugging him. "The same way you left. I missed you so much." He said hugging her agian.

"Hatter. You know you don't belong in my world. And I don't belong in yours." She said sighing. "Oh I know. I just came to see if you were alright. I'm only allowed to be here three days." He said. "Well... If you're only here for a short amount of time, why don't you come in for some tea." Alice said smiling.

He nodded. They walked inside. She showed Hatter her fathers den. "Make yourself comfortable while I go make tea." Alice said gesturing towards a chair across from the bookshelf. He nodded and smiled. She smiled back and left.

She had a pot of water on the stove and set teacups on a tray. The water boiled and she poured it in the cups. She put tea bags in the cups and brought them to the den. She saw him sleeping. "Well, I did say get comfortable." She said to herself. She set down the tray and knelt in front of Hatter. She tapped his shoulder and he a woke.

"Want tea?" She says smiling. Hatter smiles wearily. She hands him a cup. He started to drink the tea. "I've missed you so my dear friend." She said, touching his face lightly. "I've missed you too. I couldn't stop thinking about you. I was so worried." He said. She smiles.

"I..." She started but stopped herself. "You what?" He asked. She wants to tell him she loved him. "Oh nothing. I'll tell you later." She said. She hates lying but she just saw him today after 5 years and doesn't wasn't to scare him away. He smiled. "Want to read a book Hatter?" She asked. He nodded.

He walked to the bookshelf. He grabbed a book about love. "Love?" He asked. She walked up to him. "What is love?" He asked. "Well. Love is where care about someone. And you can't stop thinking about them. And you smile and your heart beats fast when you see them, and when you don't."

So that's what he was feeling. He said. I think I love Alice. "Uh.. Alice?" He said looking at her. "Yes?" She said. "Umm... I'd like to go take a walk." He said. She nodded. "Okay." She grabbed him by the hand. They walked through the forest next to her house.

"Alice? Alice Kingsley?" A voice said from behind. "Hamish." She said. She turned around still holding Hatters hand. "Who is this - this clown?" He said. Alice got mad. "He's not a clown. He's my friend thank you very much." She said. "Pssh. Right." Hamish said. "Shut up Hamish."

She pulled Hatter by the hand away from Hamish, deeper into the woods. "I'm sorry for him. Don't listen to him you're not a clown." Alice said. They kept walking until she tripped. Hatter grabbed her by the waist before she hit the ground. "Oh. Thanks." She said. She stared into his bright green eyes. "Alice... I'm in love with you." He said. She smiled and blushed. "I'm in love with you too." She said.

He pulled her to her feet. He leaned in and kissed her. His kiss wasn't hard and demanding. It was soft and sweet. He pulled away. "Wow." He said.

It was growing dark. "Lets go back home Hatter." Alice taking him back to her house.

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