Ch.33 Good News

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Chapter 33

Heyder waited in front of Maya as her eyes moved between Fiza and him. He watched the uneasiness in her eyes and prayed to whatever god was up there that maybe, by some small chance, it was jealousy. Every inch of him felt alive with the thought of Maya putting her claim on him. He wanted to be hers and hers alone.

When he looked up and caught her eyes, Heyder gave her a small nod to let her know he had a handle on the situation. With one last look at Fiza, Maya took a step back and closed the door. Heyder let go of the breath he was holding and straightened up. He sauntered over to Fiza as she stood with her arms folded over her chest and her lips twitching.

"I want to go home," she said as Heyder came to a stop in front of her.

"Yeah, I'm working on it."

"No," Fiza clarified. "I want to go home to our house. I don't want to stay here."

"I'll have Ali take you back to my house," Heyder ran a hand through his hair.

"And what about you?" Fiza raised a brow.

"I'm staying here," Heyder looked into her eyes. "With Maya."

"She doesn't want you!"

"Yet," Heyder smiled. But as he remembered his conversation with Maya from the day before, his mood darkened.

"What did you say to Maya?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" Fiza narrowed her eyes.

"You blamed her for my condition," Heyder wasn't amused with her innocent act. "And you accused her of messing with my mind."

"Well clearly she has poisoned your mind against me."

"Stay away from her, Fiza," Heyder's jaw clenched. "I don't want you stressing her out."

"Stressing her out?" Fiza was shocked. "She's immature and reckless. You are making a great mistake, Heyder."

"I'm not going to ask you a second time," Heyder dark eyes stayed locked on the girl in front of him. Even though she was a hazy image of Maya, something about Fiza made his insides turn.

"Stay away from Maya," Heyder said. "I'll send you back as soon as I can, but until then leave her alone. Don't talk to her, don't go near her, don't even think about her."

Fiza stilled. Her stunned eyes widened as she soaked in the jinn's words. Heyder braised himself for the tears but he was caught off guard when a snicker appeared on her full lips.

"What?" He asked curiously as Fiza shook her head.

"So many promises you had made me,"

Heyder flinched from her words. His hands balled into fists as the painful reminder of the past punched his guts.

"Never did I think our love would be divided by your mistress," Fiza snared. The dig at Maya had her feeling high and mighty. She held her head up high and thought herself better for being a proper lady until the brown of Heyder's eyes flashes a violent silver.

The jinn had closed the distance between them in a flash. Fiza felt her back slam against the wall as an invisible force gripped her throat and pinned her shoulders back. Heyder stood where she had been standing and watched her struggle. He spun his rings ideally as his silver eyes flickers.

"Be very careful with your words," he said, his voice dangerously low. "I won't tolerate you speaking about the mother of my child like that."

Fiza's eyes widened as she gasped, "Heyder...."

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