Ch.29 Olives

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Chapter 29

Maya rubbed her forehead as she sat around the round table listening to Alec and Owen talk about potential plans. Her head was throbbing and she felt the soles of her feet heat up like hotplates.

"Why can't we just send in a unit?" She asked, looking up at Owen and Alec.

"Maya," Mavi sighed from the other side of the table. "It's not that simple. There's high tension in that area. We can't jump in without any type of plan."

"She's right," Owen backed his wife. "If we go in and things get out of hand, it'll be a sign of us declaring war."

"I thought we were already at war with the pixies," Maya looked around the table.

"Not officially," Maksim said. "The two sides have been at a standoff. Tiptoeing around each other."

"No one wants a war," Ale said.

A hush fell around the table. Maya felt her heart crumble and twist with anxiety and frustration. Why was Heyder so stupid?

"Maya," Xavier spoke up from where he sat beside Mavi. "What do you think?"

"I...." Maya was at a loss for words. She looked at Mavi and took a deep breath. "It's Piggy's decision. I don't wear the crown."

"But you will wear your mother's crown one day," Xavier pointed out. "You will be in Mavi's position too. What do you propose we do?"

Maya's eyes flickered to her father. Exton gave her an encouraging nod. Everyone around the table waited for her to answer.

"I...... think....the smart choice is to not interfere," Maya said slowly.

"Why not?" Xavier asked calmly as he observed Maya with keen eyes.

"There is nothing linking Heyder's actions back to us," Maya let out a breath she had been holding. "With tension being so high with the pixies, it's the smart thing to do to not act right now."

"Yes," Xavier agreed.

"But what would you do?" Exton asked before Xavier could. "Yes, Heyder's actions are not connected to us. However, Heyder is......"

"And Ali is with him too," Mavi said. "You know Margo will have Caspian send in his own men if we don't do anything."

"Maybe that's the better option," Alec said. "We're still in the clear if Caspian sends his men."

"That will create unnecessary problems between the pixies and merfolks," Maya shook her head as she chewed on her bottom lip. "There's enough drama already. This needs to be contained between us and the pixies."

"Which means....." Xavier waiter, never taking his eyes off of Maya.

"We have to go get Heyder," Maya sighed as she dropped her head onto the table.

Xavier let a small smile slip, "It may not be the smart choice, but it's the best choice for everyone."

"The pixies will never let anyone from our side anywhere near their palace," Maksim pointed out. "Forget about taking a whole unit."

"Well, obviously they won't let us in if we go in with our battle gear on," Maya looked at her cousin.

"She's right," Exton backed his daughter. "They are highly suspicious and paranoid. They will have their guards up."

"So what do we do?" Maksim asked.

"Peace treaty," Owen said.

"If only," Alec rolled his eyes. "That would solve all of our problems."

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