I Removed All My Content... Except for This

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Wattpad is done... at least, in my eyes. 

They killed off the cafe/threads/whatever conversations you could have with fellow members. It's done. Just another nail in the coffin of Wattpad. This site used to mean so much to me. It used to be where I spent so much time... no, not writing. Using Wattpad to write is like using a rock to assemble your IKEA furniture. Ironic, since I'm writing this using Wattpad's text editor. 

Only fitting to utilize a terrible writing tool to write about a terrible writing site. 

I used to spend time here because I made friends... friends who loved to read and write. As you might suspect, it's difficult to find those people in the real world because, you know, they're not in the real world. They're stuck in a fantasy land (a.k.a. their bedrooms), reading a book that's better than the real world. 

I was going to come online and just make a snark remark about how with how far technology has progressed in the last decade, it's miraculous how Wattpad has managed to fight the tide and actually regress. I've been on this site for almost a decade! A decade. The problems it had back then were understandable... but now it has those same problems and more. As a programmer who understands how to implement the solutions (and has done so on many other applications), well, let's just say it boggles my mind that Wattpad continues to spit in the face of innovation. 

It's like they're trying to be the most popular worst site in existence. And if that's their goal, well, they're killing it. Somehow they have carved out a niche in the writing market, and that niche is the only thing keeping them protected from reality, but I'm not sorry to say that in the near future, I expect that niche will get crowded, and they will be crowded out. I look forward to the day that Wattpad becomes the MySpace of writing sites. I'll have to assume they're like MySpace because I never used MySpace. I'm not that old, despite Wattpad's efforts to age me. 

But instead of simply turning up my nose and huffing and puffing about how bad Wattpad shits the bed in every measure that matters to me (and I assume other writers - but that's just, you know, my opinion), I decided to remove all my books. It doesn't do much, but by publishing content on here, I am essentially working for them, for free, to provide them content they can put ads on and make revenue. I may never have had a book that surpassed a million reads, but combined, my books garnered more than a few reads, so I couldn't, in good conscience, let a company I openly resented profit off of my work. It's counter intuitive. 

So this is the only book I have left because I can't bring myself to entirely delete this account where I've made so many good memories. 

Maybe one day we'll all be reunited in a better place... a better writing site. 

One can only dream.

BONUS FACT: It took me about 30 minutes to remove my work because the remove story button failed about 60% of the time. And no, I'm not exaggerating. Which is a big deal for me. 

Wattpad SUCKS!

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