Well, well, well, look who put out another 'image' update

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I've been here for a while, and over the years, the only thing Wattpad has ever seemed to care about is their image. Does our site look like Facebook? Will people think it looks hip and cool? 

If you were here for the original profiles, you'll be aware of the outrage Wattpad received in response to that roll out of the new profiles (the ones we still have, by the way). They were facebook rip-offs that removed all the functionality we loved and added a bunch of garbage we hated. I mean, really, name one thing that's better than the OG profiles? They added a giant orange bar at the top of the page that always glitched and became 30% larger, they removed wallpaper, they revoked our status bar...

I miss my status bar because right now it would be: WATTPAD SUUUUUUUUCKS!

And now we have another 'image' update meanwhile the functionality remains as minimal as ever. You can cringe as you read about the 'vision' for the site here: 


Since I know that link won't work, I'll also put it in a comment below.

They just recently, after years and years of it being the main hub of the site, re-developed the cafe/threads, and somehow, yes, somehow made it worse than before. That attempt would be the only real attempt on their behalf to actually make my and others' experience with this site better.

In this new 'roll out' they claim that this is the place for 'your story'. Yes, well, I have lots of stories and no where to put them because YOUR STUPID WEBSITE DOES NOT HAVE THE BASIC FUNCTIONALITY TO BE A WRITING SITE. 

And don't pretend you're not aware of it, Wattpad. People have been asking for upload/download function for years so that they can write both on and off Wattpad's shitty word editor but NOOOOOOOPE. You have given us the middle finger over and over again by focusing 100% of your efforts on the colors used on the site and none on the actual functionality. 

So once again, you suck. Hire some back end developers because you clearly only have front end devs working on this, based on how much effort you put in the 3rd redesign of this site while the functionally remains just as shitty as ever. 

You should be ashamed of yourselves because you've failed once again despite clearly trying very hard.

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