Wattpad Does Not Have the Minimum Features Necessary to Be A WRITING SITE

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Damn it, Wattpad. Do you know how many times in the past FIVE YEARS I've emailed you explaining that I do not have time to waste with your stupid copy/paste each chapter method that screws up formatting EVERY TIME I use it? 

Why do you just assume that I want to use your garbage word editor to write? It has barely there spell check capabilities and forget about any grammar corrections like you'd get in Word. Besides, even if I write my work using your site I can't get it back to my computer or anywhere else, for that matter, because not only do you not provide users a way to upload documents but niether do you provide a way to download the stories I've created here! You force users to either be completely tied to using this site and only this site or flee in search of actual funtionality that supports our writing preferences.

An upload documents feature is not very difficult to add so I just have to assume you have zero interest in what users want because it's been 5 years of people whining about this, and what have gotten since then? Facebook profiles. Super.

So thanks to you funneling everything into features NOBODY wants, I'm sitting here with literally a dozen updated/new stories on my computer I CANNOT PUT ON YOUR USELESS SITE BECAUSE I DO NOT HAVE TIME TO DEAL WITH COPY/PASTING EVERY CHAPTER . I've tried it before. Updating one book takes literally hours of copy/pasting chapter by chapter and I have over a dozen novels that are anywhere from 50 chapters to 200 chapters. 


You should be ashamed of yourselves

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