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Hey guys, so this is Thors perspective hope you like, reviews and likes are appreciated.

Thor was baffled by the closeness of the two assassins, back on Asgard they would be considered married.

But that did not seem to be the case here on Midgard. There were marriages, divorces, partnerships, civil partnerships, engagements, ugh there were too many options.

But Thor was confused by a lot of things.

The strange metal heat contraption that resided in the kitchen baffled him to all ends. It seemed to run on some form of magic, toasting his pop-tarts in the morning. Thor realized how hungry he was, so he made his way into the kitchen, but, pop-tarts would have to wait, they had a mission to complete.

The winter soldier had been sighted over the alpine mountain range.

Their mission was simple, see what the commotion was about. It was a simple enough mission, apart from a slight issue. Tony had scouted a cave that could easily hide a human, but as they climbed the cliff edge a landslide full of ice came crashing down.

The assassin's instincts kicked in before anyone realized what was going on. Clint got almost all of them clear, Natasha went back for Tony, whose suit had begun to malfunction in the harsh temperatures.

The others were forced to watch as the sheet of ice crashed into them, causing them to lose sight of their comrades.

The others immediately started to dig them out, knee-deep in snow. Bruce discovered Tony first, the suit having taken the brunt of the impact, he was already conscious, but the suit had malfunctioned so he couldn't pull himself out.

It took a whole other hour before Natasha was found, she was near to Tony but had been buried a lot deeper.

She was out cold, a bloody gash on her forehead, and what looked like a dislocated ankle. It took all three of them (Thor was helping Tony) to haul her out of the snow.

Her lips were tinged blue and she was as white as a ghost.

Clint picked her up bridal style and followed the others towards the cave. It had clearly been used as a hideout, there was a wooden structure in the corner, inside was a campfire, a chewed up sofa, and some blankets.

Steve beelined for the campfire, setting it alight within a few minutes. The others huddled around the fire, Natasha laying on the sofa on Clint's lap, she was still out cold.

Tony was still trying to clamber out of his suit, so far he had one arm out and was battling with the boosters to stop himself from flying out of the cave. Bruce came over cautiously to the assassins holding a blanket, he offered it to Clint, gesturing to Natasha. Clint tenderly laid the blanket over her frozen body.

"I need to put her ankle back, it won't heal properly otherwise", Clint nodded softly, angling his body so he could hold Natasha still.

Bruce reached for her ankle gently, lifting it from its place on the sofa. Just as he began to pull it back to it's position, Natasha stirred slightly.

"Nat?" Clint asked softly, tapping her shoulder.

"mmm, Clint?"

Bruce set her ankle back down gently, eyeing Natasha cautiously.

"How are you feeling?" he asked, "Tasha?".

Natasha was looking around the room, her head was throbbing and she couldn't see straight. She felt someone tap her again, but she couldn't focus on anything.

Bruce came closer to her, crouching down in front of her face, "Tasha, can you hear me?", she nodded slightly still unable to focus on his face. "I think you have a bad concussion, but I need to set your ankle. Try not to move okay?"

He took her eyes meeting his as a silent agreement. He shifted back to her ankle, giving Clint a grim expression. Clint understood and wrapped his hands around Natasha's torso, preventing her from struggling. Steve noticed what was about to happen, he came over and placed his hands on her legs. Bruce nodded at the two men and in one fluid movement, he shifted Natasha's ankle back into its natural position. Natasha gave a shriek in pain and attempted to buck up and arch her back but Clint and Steve held her fast.

"Это нормально, Nat это нормально" Clint's mouth was pressed by Natasha's ear, providing comfort to both himself and her. Natasha calmed down as Bruce wrapped her ankle in some fabric ripped from Thor's cape that had some snow inside. Steve released her legs, but Clint continued to hold her tightly, afraid she would fall to pieces if he let her go.

*A few hours later*

Thor lay awake next to the sofa that held to two agents. Tony had managed to climb out of his suit, it lay in a mangled heap in the corner. Both he, Steve and Bruce had nodded off in front of the fire. But Thor couldn't sleep, he kept hearing Natasha's shriek in his ears, then Clint whispering to her gently. He could hear them muttering behind him, and he couldn't help but overhear their conversation.

"I'm gonna be out for a while aren't I"

"No, knowing you you'll be back out on the field in a week, with or without doctors clearance"


"Seriously Tash, you need to rest, you took quite a hit."

"Does this top Budapest?"

Thor's ears pricked up at that, he had heard nothing of Budapest before. He pondered on the thought of what happened in 'Budapest'. They had mentioned it briefly during the alien battle, but he knew nothing of it. He nearly missed the next sentence

"Yeah, Nat I think this does, but at least we're not being held captive"

"Mmm, true"

"Get some sleep Nat, you need it"

Thor settled back into a more comfortable position, his eyes slipped closed as he thought about what the duo of assassins had just spoke about. He was swept away by dreams of pop-tarts and Jane.


"Это нормально, Nat это нормально" - it's okay Nat, it's okay

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