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Hey guys! I had a lot of fun with this one, hope you enjoy! P.S I do not own Marvel or any of the characters

Injuries were common within the avengers, it was impossible to come away from so many missions without getting a scratch. But Bruce was always fascinated by the relationship between the two SHIELD agents.

They always knew if something was wrong with the other before any ordinary human being had an inkling something was wrong. It was like they could read each other's minds, literally. *they have been through a hell of a lot* Bruce thought before getting a call from Steve to meet at the quinjet in 10, battle-ready.

*10 mins later*

Everyone was waiting outside the quinjet impatiently, Tony was late, as per usual. Natasha and Clint stood, each in their respective suits, Clint with his bow and quiver full of arrows, Natasha with 2 visible Glock 90's on her hip, and a whole lot of other weapons hidden over her body. Steve was in his vibrant Captain America suit and shield, Thor had his cape on, Mjolnir at the ready. Bruce, well Bruce was in stretchy trousers and a loose t-shirt.

Tony came flying out from the door, donned in his latest suit and helmet. Natasha visibly scoffed and Clint knocked her arm gently, looking her in the eyes. Then they had one of their weird 'conversations without actually saying a word'. Tony boarded the quinjet and the others followed behind. The mission was simple, take down a HYDRA base that may contain Loki's scepter, oh, and try not to die in the process.

*A few hours later*

Bruce climbed back onto the quinjet exhausted. Being the hulk was knackering, he was always full of rage, and smashed through everything in sight, but this was different, he had smashed through 3 stone walls and a few stone bunkers. Everything ached. He wasn't the only one though, no one had come away untouched. Steve had a sizeable gash on his forearm, Thor's cape was ripped, again. Tony was nursing a sprained wrist, Clint was cradling his arm, his arm guard had come off in the heat of the battle, so the buzz from the string had scratched his arm red and raw.

Natasha seemed relatively unscathed, she had cuts and scrapes all over her, but nothing major. Clint was eying her curiously, not quite believing the mirage she was putting couldn't see what he could though, she looked fine.


All the avengers were in the lounge area by the evening, even the two assassins were to exhausted to work out. Natasha was in the kitchen reaching for a coffee mug, Clint was eating a muffin on the table nearby, watching Natasha intently.

Bruce didn't see why though, she looked fine and claimed she was fine everytime someone asked her.

But Clint could see something different.

The way she was holding hersef was off. She was curled slightly in on herself, and she was avoiding standing up straight.

She shuddered slightly as she reached up for a mug, she was just too small to reach without stretching. She grabbed a mug and slowly curled ack in on herself, a faint flicker of pain wavering on her face. Clint came up behind her and wispered in her ear,

"Nat?" his tone was serious but concerned.

Natasha turned to face him and looked him in the eye as she replied, "I'm fine Clint, just sore". Clint eyed her curiously but Natasha kept eye contact until he said

"Fine, wanna watch a movie?"


They both made their way towards the couch, but Natasha stopped just short of it, "Nat?",

She tried to reach for the table for support, but her hand missed completely. Clint was there in a heartbeat, reaching her just in time to stop her head smashing into the floor as her legs buckled. Bruce ran over immediately, how had he not noticed how pale she was?

He grabbed the nearby med kit from the kitchen and returned to Natasha's side. She had already begun to come around, now leaning on Clint for support,

"What happened?" Steve asked as he came running over. "Nat collapsed, she has 3 broken ribs on her left side and has been attempting to hide it from us." Natasha looked fiercely at Clint, but seeing the hard expression on his face, hers switched to one of guilt.

"How on this good earth did you know that?!" Tony exclaimed, clearly as shocked as the rest of them. Natasha looked up at him curiously, obviously wanting to know herself.

Clint looked down at her and said "When you were reaching for the coffee mug, you were in pain when you stretched for it, when you came back down, your arm went instinctively for your left side before you stopped it. Also, when you fell, your hand was resting on your chest, why do oyou think I offered to watch a movie? I wanted to test how far you would go to avoid revealing it."

The other avengers looked at Clint in awe, they had no idea Natasha was injured, let alone about to faint. Natasha looked sheepish as Bruce removed her shirt, revealing a large red-purplish bruise forming on her ribs, he tenderly put a compressive bandage over it and tightened it.

Natasha attempted to get up, but Clint held her down, instead picking her up bridal style and carrying hr back to her (their) room, Natasha protesting loudly all the way there.

*A little later*

Bruce wandered over to Natasha's floor, he had some anti-pain medication for Natasha's ribs and she had told him to bring it to her floor. When no answer came, he pushed the door open slightly and was met by a sight that greatly surprised him, Natasha was curled up by Clint on the bed and they were talking quietly to each other.

"You should have told them"

"I know, but,"

"There are no buts, Tasha, they are your team now, you should trust them"

"I do, but I didn't want to be the center of attention"

"Well you did a great job of that"

A faint snigger came from the bed and a faint slap could be heard. Bruce smiled to himself and closed the door, he left the medication on the floor and knocked loudly three times, then he left the two assassins in bed together, his mind wandering the many explanations for why they were in bed together in the first place...

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